2. Understanding

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(Lincoln's POV)

I knew RaeAnna wanted to talk, but I can see that she struggles to get the words out. I can see the battle she is having inside of her eyes, it shatters me every time. I know she wants to open up so desperately, but I will never push her. I just wish she didn't keep it all bottled inside, that never ends well, but if she isn't ready to talk I completely understand.

I know everything about her, all her dark and heavy secrets she tries so hard to hide. She trusted me with all of that and I'm glad. It seems the older she gets the more it affects her. She tries not to let it shine through, but I know her better than anybody, maybe sometimes even better than she knows herself.

It was 7:35 a.m. I am getting ready to head off to school, when my phone beeps. A message from RaeAnna.

'I'm sorry about not opening up to u the other day, but maybe this will help u understand a little better. Listen to this. Broken by lifehouse. xoxo'

I immediately search the song on my phone to listen to the lyrics.

'I am damaged at best, like you've already figured out

I'm falling apart

I'm barely breathing, with a broken heart that's still beating

the broken locks were a warning, you got inside my head

I tried my best to be guarded, but I'm an open book instead

in the pain, is there healing?

In your name, I find meaning

So I'm holding on, im holding on, I'm holding on, I'm barely holding onto you

I'm hanging on to the words you say, you said that I will, I'll be okay'

I couldn't stop the tears from falling after hearing the words, I replayed the song several times before drying my eyes and getting into the truck with my dad. I need to see RaeAnna, I need to be with her with all of my heart, to let her know I understand. I'm here, I'll always be here.

We pull into the school parking lot, I hop out and turn around to face my dad. "See you later dad. Love you." He grins. "Love you to son. See you after school."

I don't have first period with RaeAnna, so I need to find her before the first bell rings. I speed-walk through the hallways to her locker. There she is. I walk right up to her hugging her tightly from behind, she already knew it was me, she leans into my embrace. "I understand." I whisper into her hair. All she does is nod, then she releases herself from me to turn around to face me. She touches my cheek. "I know you do."

The bell rings, as much as I don't want to leave her side I need to get to class. "I'll see you in second period, okay beautiful?" She forces a sad smile. "Looking forward to it handsome." She kisses my nose, I do the same to her, then I head off to class.

Shackles around my heart (Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now