escaping the exo gang

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we landed on the ground safely after jumping several miles from jacksons apartment window. i looked up at the shattered window shocked. "jimin?? whats going on--" "NO TIME" he yelled as he dragged me away. we stumbled into an alley and hid behind some trash cans as i heard some voices in the distance:

"i think they went this way!" "aishh!" thump thump thump the sound of feet went as they ran towards we were...and past the alley. we were safe...for now. jimin and i jumped out of our hiding spot and dusted ourselves off. "sorry u had to witness that sarang, i--" "DID U SERIOUSLY LAUNCH US OUT OF A WINDOW TO ESCAPE SOME BOYS JIMIN WE LITERALLY COULD HAVE DIED I AM JINJJA ANNOYED RIGHT NOW" i screeched. "well--" he started "its more complicated than that"

"AIGOO JIMIN YOU TELL ME WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON RIGHJT NOW OR I SWEAR TO GOD--" he slapped his hand on my mouth before saying "ugh. FINE. i'll tell u but u have to PROMISE not to say ANYTHING..." 

"i promise" i promised. 

" the exo gang is a gang of 8 guys in the mafia that hate all vampires, especially me...they want to kill me because i stole from their jam stash a few years ago. this wasnt just ANY jam...this was lingonberry jam, the rarest and best jam in all of korea. they tried to stab me with a gun but i got away..." "wow" i breathed in shock. 

"yeah" he said "they will stop at nothing until they get their jam back...even though...i already drank it" he blushed. "jimin!" i gasped. "what??" he said "i was hungry...and it was so delicious...but it's no use!" he punched the alley wall in angst, the wall cracking from his sexy strength. "now i have to live with that pain for the rest of my well as the pain from my childhood..." he looked away wistfully like he was having a flashback and i was gonna ask him about his tragic past but i figured hed tell me eventually when he was ready...he looked so sexy when he was thinking about his past...

jimins chocolate orbs widened as he rubbed a hand through his silky hair. "now i REALLY need to protect u...the exo gang knows ur associated with me...they might come after u looking for the jams." "i dont have ur jams though" i pouted "i know" he said "but theyre willing to hurt the people i love to get whats important to them back" "that makes sense..."

"i wont be able to protect u alone, u need ppl to keep an eye on u everywhere, at school, at home...wait! i know just who to call..." jimin put his fingers in his mouth and whistled. just then, i felt a gush of air blow around me, almost as if ppl were running past me...but i saw no one. i started to ask "is this some kind of joke--"

"hey sis" a voice behind me said...was brother namjoon's voice?? i turned around...and faced a group of 6 guys. i recognized some of them, like sugar and hope seokjin??? some i didnt recognize though...

"sarang..." jimin said "this is my vampire gang and we will all protect u from now on...we call ourselves...BTS..."


ahhhhhhh im sorry i have been having weird issues with wattpad so i could upload what the heeeeck. all is good now tho so yay :) pls give me stars

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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