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"You killed thirteen people in one day, Suyin that's absolutely insane." Kal set down the newspaper sliding it over to her. She picked it up, staring at her face covered in a black mask and silk black hood, emotionless expression in her cold dark eyes with the caption in big bold letters, the news paper reading:

The infamous soldier has once again killed innocents, this time resulting in thirteen people killed by her bare hands. Officials say there was no weapon traces anywhere, while different theorists suspect this woman is an assassin since she can move so quickly and so silently even in broad daylight.

Suyin chuckled. "They think I'm a soldier? Please, everybody knows I'm an assassin, this paper doesn't know what it's talking about." She threw it in the trash next to the table.

The two assassins sat in the cafeteria, Kal taking the single seat while Suyin sat on the booth side, leaning against the wall. "You know, I miss leading you on missions." Kal brought up, Suyin tilted her head. "Why would you miss that?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe you turning off the communication device while I yell at you what your supposed to do and then you don't actually do it and then I get mad and you laugh at me, good times." He snickered. Suyin let out a low laugh. "Good times? I remember me coming back to base and you'd come out of the communications room screaming at me for five hours until you'd challenge me to a duel and not even five seconds in you'd be on the ground with your hands up next to your head while my foot was on your chest and my blade at your throat." Suyin twiddled a pen in her fingers, Kal laughed, shrugging.

"Then you'd swear at me with every threat you could think of." Kal added in. "And you'd get defensive and run to mommy Daeun." Suyin added in as well, her voice getting higher as if to mock him. "Then you'd get another mission and it'd start all over again." He finished, they broke into small fits of laughter.

Calming down as another newspaper was settled down on the table. "Suyin's been scouted, she's wanted by authorities now." A big burly man huffed, Kal shrugged. "Isn't she always wanted by the authorities?"

"This time, they have orders to shoot her." The man walked away, Kal and Suyin turned to the paper. Kal reached for it but Suyin snatched it first.

While infamous assassin Park Suyin has always been wanted by authorities, after her thirteen kill streak in one day, they have given all orders to shoot her. If anybody sees her, they are allowed to kill her and bring her body in. FBI and police will often be scouting neighborhoods and complex's, so do not be alarmed.

"Psh...fuck that, I don't got time to worry about stupid people." Suyin flopped the newspaper on the table. Kal picked it up reading it. "I mean, they got the assassin part right." Kal chuckled. Suyin smirked. "I got a sense for this type of stuff, I'll be perfectly fine." She laid back, Kal eyed her weirdly making her sit back up straight. "Fucking donkey weed ass mother fucker." Suyin swore at him, Kal laughed. "She's finally come back to her old self!" Kal announced happily, Suyin rolled her eyes lightly chuckling. "You're a massive dick." She hissed. "Thanks." He winked.

Suyin went quiet, a small pit forming. She remembered Taehyung, his soft fading blue hair, gentle doe eyes that sparkled every time he'd look at her, his boxy smile that made her heart soar and her stomach lift up from all the butterflies, the way his hot breath would brush against her skin as he'd get up close to her face making her face go red and her ears begin to burn.

"Hey Cupid?" Kals voice cut in, Suyin snapped back into reality, looking at Kal. "What the fuck got into you? I've never seen you smile so beautifully." He asked, Suyin looked down at her hands. "Nothing...just thinking of old missions."

He's only a mission.

"I mean um...thinking of old missions we'd go on." She nodded. Kal tilted his head. "Did I make you smile like that?" He asked.

Suyin wanted to say no. She had to say no. She hated Kal despite being friendly with him. She hated the way his brown hair was slicked back at the sides, small tiny eyes and small lips, an oddly shaped nose from when it got broken and never properly fixed. The boy (who was only two years older from her) always looked like he was two seconds away from throwing up on himself.

"Yes." She forced herself to say, Kal smiled. "Damn, not that attractive, am I?" He posed, Suyin cringed on the inside but nodded. "Sooo attractive." She forced a smile.

They sat there in silence before Chungmin walked up to them, clipboard in hand. "Suyin, you saw the paper I'm assuming." He acknowledged the paper sitting in between the two. Suyin nodded, her expression changing and her mood dropping. "Good, you're staying here for awhile until we can clear this place up. I have no doubt you can protect yourself, it's that those stupid self craving worthless boys will probably be out to find you as well." Chungmin hissed, walking away from the table.

Suyin felt the anger boiling inside of her. "Don't you dare talk about them like that..." she mumbled under her breath. "What?" Kal asked, she shook her head shaking off the thought. "Nothing, I should probably go back to my room and clean my outfits." She forced another smile before sliding out of the booth spot and walked away.

She felt Kal's eyes watch her leave. And make her way down the hall. And down the stairs. And through corridors. And past gossiping trainees. And into the dorms. And into her secret room.

But the feeling of being watched never went away.

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