Chapter 17: A Peaceful Day Crumbles

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(A/N: A shorter chapter, don't hate me whoever you are that reads my book)

The day had been pretty much perfect. I had fun, I got to spend time with my friends from back home and my new friends from U.A. It wasn't until the end, when the sun began to set, did the day turn dark. I was standing outside the school gates, talking to my parents about my day, when I heard a familiar and terrifying voice.

"That brat from last time is there,"

It was soft, so they weren't close to us, but thanks to my hearing, I could tell it was the man that attacked me in the forest a few weeks ago. They didn't seem to know I could hear them as I then heard,

"Your quirk won't work on her, she'll escape with the kid,"

I glanced over at Eri, she was beside Deku and Togata, enjoying a candied apple. She was who they wanted, but I still didn't know why. I pretended everything was fine as I listened to my father praising the concert we'd put on.

"I'll handle it, watch,"

That was the last thing I heard before my parents' expressions changed from cheery to lost and confused, as if they couldn't see me anymore, just like what happened with my team in the forest.

"Damn, she's blocking my view of the kid, we'll have to-"

I glanced over at Eri again, she was pulling on Togata's shirt, trying to get his attention, saying "Lemillion '' and "Deku ''. She wasn't affected by the quirk... because the guy couldn't see her, his quirk must have something to do with that. I didn't know why it didn't work on me, but that currently wasn't important. I had to do something and once I heard footsteps heading our way, I impulsively ran over and picked up Eri. She seemed a bit panicked but I kept talking to her, both to calm her down and to use my quirk to prevent hers from activating. I had enough of a head start to get onto school grounds, I couldn't go to the dorms, that would endanger other students if a fight broke out. So I took a different turn. I ran towards Ground Beta, I knew there would be plenty of places to hide and the after hour security bots would alert teachers, bringing someone to help me. By the time I'd gotten there I'd managed to explain enough to Eri that she wasn't panicking and I promised her that I'd keep her safe as I got to the grounds, finding one of the tall buildings to hide in. After I got to one of the middle floors I finally put Eri down and took a breather. As I huffed I looked over at Eri, she didn't seem overly frightened on the outside. I sat up slightly,

"Eri, I'm going to have to leave you here, I'll make a distraction until a teacher comes by, okay? I won't let anything happen to you." She just kind of gave me a small nod, as if only half understanding. I then slung my backpack off of my shoulder. "Here," I say as I pull Charles out of my bag, "This is Charles, you hold on to him okay? He gets scared real easy, so you've got to keep him safe, alright?" I hand him to her before standing, I'd have to get moving if I didn't want those two villains figuring out where I hid her. I waved goodbye to her before getting to the roof of the building and moving across to the next building, then the next, until I was practically on the other side of the training ground, that was where I found the two villains. One of them was definitely the illusionist, I could tell by his memorable pink-ish hair, the other must have then been the one called Survey. I climbed down the ladder on the side of the building I was on top of. I got lucky enough to catch them off guard like they had in the forest. I was able to send a kick to Survey's head, throwing him into a close by brick wall. I think it stunned him, because he only made a groan before not moving further.

"You stupid brat! You think you can stop the inevitable?" The pink man said,

"You aren't laying a hand on that little girl's head, not after the shit she's already been through," I said before he charged at me swinging. It seemed neither of our quirks were good for fighting, so I'd have to rely solely on my own strength for this fight. He was bigger than me but didn't seem as well trained, my mother had gotten me training since I was young and developed her half of my quirk, so I had that for an upper hand. I knew how to deal with people larger than me. "You won't win, soon enough teachers will be here, the robots have probably already alerted them that there's people in this training area!" I yell as we attack one another. It was a bit of fighting after that that I managed to pin him to the ground. I was covered in bruises before but at this rate I wouldn't be able to get out of bed for the next couple days. It was after that I heard footsteps approaching my position. I looked up, and amidst the darkness of the now set sun I thought I saw a figure I thought I recognised.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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