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12:45 pm

I wake up and everyone was either on the floor or on the couch

I get up, take a shower and change into this

I get up, take a shower and change into this

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I redo my hair like yesterday

Then I wake everyone up and they leave. Mom, Alyx, Mustang, Dad, and Looney get ready and we go to to Ihop

We walk in and the same bitch as always looks at me sideways

Anyways....we sit down and of course the bitch SERVES OUR FUCKING TABLE

She doesn't say anything until her ugly ass gets to me

W: So i see you're back again, by the way hi baby

She waves at Looney

Y: Yeah I'm back and what about it bitch, you needa cut this shit out cuz im eating wit my family. If you trynna get it popping we can do so. Just drop a fuckin addy

W: bet, after work. Cuz you think you all that.

Y: bet where.

W: the park, at 7

Y: bet, now take my order

She take my order and she leaves

We eat our food then we go to the mall for last minute Christmas shopping.

Then we go home wrap the presents then i change into this

Then we go home wrap the presents then i change into this

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Then me, Alyx, Looney,  and Mustang go to the park

We wait there till she shows up when she got there this is how it happened

*alicia in the black*

Looney separates us and she sets up like she could fight, so we fight again

My Future pt. 2 Alicias LifeWhere stories live. Discover now