Chapter 15

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My Dream.

I walked out the room as well as everyone. Hanji and Eren were still seated, Eren not aware of what he'd just done. Everyone walked to their room, I walked upstairs where the offices were. I stopped in front of my office door with my hand on the handle. I heard Levi's faint footsteps walking towards his door. Just as he placed his hand on the doorknob I put a smile on my face, walked towards Levi and wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

"Hey! How about I help you with the paperwork? I finished mine already, so I'm not busy." I suggested with a smile on my face.

"No. You need to rest brat. Unless you want bags under your eyes." Levi said, brushing my arm off him. I told him I don't mind, which he still wouldn't accept my offer. Finally he gave in as we both walked into his office.

Of course it's clean. That's Levi for you. A clean freak. My small clean freak. Even if I'm only 5 cm taller than him.

I walked over to his desk which was near the right corner and sat on the seat in front of his desk. His desk was already a slight mess with papers. I grabbed a paper and scanned it.


I crumbled the paper and threw it in a bin that was in a corner. Levi was about to say something, but I told him my reason before he could speak. So, we sat there in silence, I helped telling him which are worth signing and which ones were debatable, then pulling the useless ones to the side.

It was getting boring so I decided to tease him from a few nights ago. "Who knew you could be rough in bed, Levi. I almost couldn't get up from bed." I teased with a smirk on my face, resting my chin on my palm, staring at him. He glanced up at me and clicked his tongue.

"Oh c'mon, say something Corporal. I adore your deep, rough voi- uh... You should... Rest, corporal." I stopped myself from saying anything else. Covering my face from embarrassment.

"...Fine." With that Levi got up from his seat. I heard his footsteps get closer to me and come to an end. Soon I felt myself being picked up from the seat and slumped over someone's shoulder. Levi's shoulder.

"Show off." I said with a smirk, letting him carry me to his room, that was connected to his office. He dropped me on the bed as he took off his boots. I sat up and did the same. I laid under the covers getting comfortable. I noticed that he didn't change into sleepwear. "You sleep with your uniform?" I asked.

"I don't sleep in my bed often." Levi answered. I scoffed and pulled him, by the collar into bed. Wrapping my arms around him, resting my head on his chest.

"You need to rest as well. It's bad for YOUR eyes." I said with a smirk, looking up at him. He looked down at me, our faces close, but we didn't care.

"Shut up and sleep, brat." Levi said looking away, I felt a hand behind my head which was Levi. He pulled my head close to him and my body. I chuckled and fell asleep.


I walked around with my hands in my pocket. I looked up at the underground's ceiling, wishing I could just live up there, the surface. I felt someone tug my sleeve, then holding onto my arm. I raised a brow and looked down at the figure. It was a girl who looked to be around 5 or 6 years old. She looked up at me with a wide closed eyed innocent smile. When she opened her eyes to loon at me, I noticed she had the same eye color as me.

Actually. She had black raven hair like Levi that was tied into a ponytail, (e/c) eyes and her facial feature looked a lot like yours. I just stared at her with a 'what-the-fuck??' Look. I looked around to see if anyone was looking for her, but no one stepped up.

"Mom?" My body stiffened at that word. I looked back down at the girl with a awkward look. "What's wrong? We need to head home, papa and brother are waiting." The little girl said as she walked forward, pulling me with her. I wanted to leave, but if she knew her way home I couldn't just let her walk there all by herself. Especially since this is the underground.

Once we finally made it, I was about to leave, but she wouldn't let go. "Hey kid... you're home so let go." I said shaking my arm to see if I can make her let go. She didn't say anything as she opened the door and walked in, pulling me inside.

She's strong! For a young looking kid, she could probably beat someone in an arm wrestling match.

I thought, looking at her with a concerned, but slightly scared look. When we entered, the place was spotless. There was two couches and a small table in front of them, in the other room was the kitchen, where there was a small table in the corner. "Dad! I'm home and I found mom!" The little girl called out to her father.

Huh?! Mom? Dad? Is she referring to me?? Do I really look like her mom? Someone please get me out of here—

A raven haired man with an undercut walked out from his room, he had a stoic expression, but I could tell he was annoyed. The little girl finally let me go as she walked into a room which I assumed was hers? The raven haired man walked up to me and stared at me. He looked exactly the same as Levi, but slightly, slightly, older looking.

He smacked me behind the head as I grunted from the snack, rubbing the back of my head. "Ow! Damn your smacks are a bitch! What the hell is wrong with you, man?!" I complained, glaring at the Raven haired man, clearly becoming pissed.

"You're late, brat." He hissed.

Wait- huh?- This man clearly looks like Levi, but what the hell is he doing in the underground? He should be at the surface. Wait who the hell was ghat girl? What am I doing here? Aren't I in the Survey corps?

Oh right- this is a dream.

I sighed and stared at him. "For?" I questioned, clearly dumbfounded at the situation.

"Dinner obviously." He said, looking away and at the stove. I glanced over and there was 4 bowls, filled with soup. Soon two kids came out of the room. One of them is the same black haired girl. Though the other had (H/c) short hair, grey eyes and Levi's facial structure, looking like the younger version of Levi, except for the hair style and color. (Probably.) He looked to be around his pre-teen age.

"Okay, but. Who are they?" I asked Levi, pointing at the two kids.

"The hell you mean, 'who are they?' Our kids. Did you hit your head, idiot?" Levi asked as he clicked his tongue.

Wait- kids?! 'Our'?! Okay I know this is a dream, but what the hell brain!

I was snapped out of my thought when the girl tugged on my sleeve. I looked at her as she motines to crouch down. I did so and she whispered something in my ear that shocked me.

"This only happened if he never left you, if you were both never caught. This would've been your future. The environment you're both in, I don't think we'll be born." She whispered.

"Amara. Sit beside Farlan and eat." Levi demanded, staring at the both of us.

"Love you ma." The raven haired girl said.

~~~~~~~~~End Of Dream Land~~~~~~~~~

I woke up, sitting up. I turned to my right to be met with nothing.

Levi must've woken earlier. What the hell was that dream, though. Kids... I would've had kids with Levi if we stayed together in the underground?! Oh my daaaamn...

"Brat, get up." Levi popped his head on the room, making me startle.

This feels awkward now...

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