Chapter 8

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Three years go by and Alexander's mental state gets worse. His obsession with finding Leah gets worse. In the past three years, he has taken down kingdom after kingdom. Slaughtering thousands upon thousands and taking their land. He's merciless, people have started calling him the phantom. The only time he goes out is when he goes into battle then he disappears, like a phantom. The only other time people see him is when he goes on a carriage ride through the village. Looking at him now his people are horrified. His skin is paler than ever, the dark bags under his eyes are the only thing giving him any color. He's gotten thinner and his vibrant hazel eyes have dulled. He always has a far off look in his eye like he's not really there. Physically he's present but mentally he's somewhere far away. He stays up for days on end, no food, no water, no sleep. Just mindlessly pacing the castle. Like a ghost haunting the halls. He sometimes talks to himself, claiming he sees Leah but no ones there. Sometimes he runs through the halls screaming her name. He even has a shrine dedicated to her where he spends most of his time.

Aiden tries to help the best he can but he can only do so much. On the rare occasion that Alexander does get sleep, it's a fitful one and he always wakes up screaming. Aiden is usually there to calm him down when he does. The only time Alexander is of sound mind is when he is with his children. Alexander tries his best to be a good father to Cole and Victoria but isn't always able to. He gets angry at the slightest drop of a hat and sometimes his children are at the receiving of his rath. When that happens Aiden is always there to comfort the kids and reassure them that their father still loves them. Cole is now thirteen and Victoria eleven. Since Alexander's mental state is in such poor shape Aiden has been taking over some royal duties. Aiden's also been teaching Cole how to do some of these royal duties. Preparing him for when he shall be crowned king. Which might be sooner than they think. Aiden hopes Alexander will at least last long enough for Cole to have more time to prepare. With the way things are going though Aiden tries not to get his hopes too high.

Alexander is currently sitting in Leah's shrine head in his hands mumbling to himself. "You know, this shrine isn't going to help anything." A voice comes from beside him. He knows this voice very well. "Go away, you aren't real" Alexander mumbles. "Of course I'm not real Alexander," Leah says from beside him. Alexander places his hands over his ears in an attempt to block her out. "Go away, go away, go away," He whispers hitting his head with every word. "You know that won't help either" Leah sighs staring at him sadly. "Nothing will help, will it," he asks. Leah shakes her head "there is one thing. If you're willing to try it." Alexander looks at her and frantically nods. "Yes, anything I-" "let me go, Alexander." Leah says not giving him a chance to speak. Alexander's eyes widen in horror "what? No, I could never!" He exclaims trying to grab her hands from her lap. Though he tries his hardest to touch her his hand seems to phase right through her. "Please stop this Alexander. It's been three years. You have to let me go. If not for your own sake then for our children's sake. They need their father!" Leah pleads getting in her knees in front of him. Alexander shakes his head "they need their mother more than their father." 

Leah rolls her eyes "Alexander just admit it! I'm dead and there's nothing you can do about it." Alexander stands aggressively running his hand through his graying hair. "NO don't say that. You are not dead." "Come on, you didn't even love me. The only reason you're acting like this is because you feel bad." Leah stands up and looks him in the eye. "That's not true, I did love you. I just didn't have enough time to show it." He says making her scoff "YOU HAD ELEVEN YEARS! Eleven years is plenty of time to show someone you love them. But no you went and spent all your time away to god knows where doing god knows what. Honestly, I wonder how many girls you let throw themselves on you. I mean why not right so many pretty girls just ready and waiting. Much better than the disappointment of a wife you had at home." Leah glares at Alexander, eyes full of rage. Alexander gasps "Leah I would never do that to you and you know that." This makes Leah burst into laughter "really? Because the last time I checked, I never really knew you at all."

Alexander's heart breaks with every word. "I know and I'm sorry. I promise I'm going to find you and when I do I'm going to give you all the love you deserve." He tries to reach for her hands again but just like before his hand's phase right through her. "Alexander, please just let me go! Admit that you never loved me and get over your guilt. There's nothing you can do about it now, I'm gone. You're never going to find me. All you're doing is making other people suffer. Stop being so selfish and think about other people for once." Leah yells making Alexander pull at his hair aggressively. In his frantic state Alexander doesn't notice that he's pulling tiny clumps of hair out of his head. It's not enough to create major bald spots but enough to make his scalp bleed. "Look at what you're doing to yourself, Alexander. This is not healthy." She walks closer to him putting her hands on his face. "I'm sorry," Alexander slowly takes his slightly bloodied hands out of his hair. Leah smiles sadly up at him. She looked so sad, he didn't want her to be sad. He can feel the sensation of her stroking his cheek with her thumb. But he can't feel the warmth of her hands. Was she always this cold? Every time he tries to touch her he always phases through her. How is she able to touch him?

"Let me go, Alexander. You'll feel so much better when you do." Leah whispers pressing her forehead to his. Alexander shakes his head "I can't, not now. I'm so close I know I can find you." He whispers back a tear falling down his cheek. "You really aren't going to give up are you?" She asks backing away. Alexander shudders at the loss of her touch unconsciously leaning in to try and get it back. "I love you." He mumbles "no you don't" Leah shakes her head dismissively. "Yes I do, I love you, I love you, I love you." Alexander keeps trying to grab her, to hold onto her. All his efforts come to nothing as he keeps phasing through her. "If that were true, why didn't you say that while I was alive." With those final words, Leah disappears leaving Alexander to grab at the air. "Leah? W-where did you go? Don't leave me. Leah! LEAH!" Alexander shouts quickly running out the door of the shrine. Running through the halls Alexander screams frantically. Where could she have gone? She couldn't leave him like this, She couldn't. Turning the corner leading to the east wing he sees her. Standing there still as a statue. Alexander screams her name running towards her but as soon as he sees her she disappears. "COME BACK, COME BACK PLEASE!" He cries punching the wall in rage.

Aiden hears the commotion and comes running. When he sees Alexander frantically screaming and punching the wall he knows exactly what happened. Rushing over to Alexander Aiden quickly grabs him from behind and drags him away from the wall. Alexander's hand is bloody and bruised. Possibly broken with the way it's swelling. Alexander continues to scream and Aiden roughly wraps his arms around his brother in an attempt to calm him. Aiden proceeds to whisper calming words into Alexander's ear until he finally calms down and collapses. A few hours later Aiden is sitting by Alexander's bed with his head in his hands. Aiden has lost all hope for Alexander. Aiden has always looked up to Alexander since he was a small child. Never in a million years did he think Alexander would end up like this. A shell of a once great and mighty king. Aiden sighs lifting his head up and looking at his older brother sadly. Things weren't supposed to be this way. Aiden quickly wipes away the tears forming when he sees Alexander's eyes open. Alexander groans placing his hand on his head. "What happened?" He asks looking over at Aiden.

"Do you not remember?" Aiden asks with a monotone voice. Alexander is quiet for a moment collecting his thoughts. "I remember having a fight with Leah." Aiden sighs exasperatedly "really Alex? Do we have to go over it again? Leah's gone okay! She's not coming back." "You don't understand Aiden I saw her. She was there- she touched my face-" Aiden stands, not willing to put up with his brother's fantasies anymore. "NO-NO SHE DIDN'T ALEX! She was never there she's been gone for years. I know you're hurting and don't want to accept the facts. This hurts me just as much as it hurts you. The only thing keeping me going is those children. HER children, and as much as you hate to admit it they're yours too." Alexander is stunned by Aiden's words. "You like to act like you loved her so much but in reality, you didn't. All you did was act like a judgemental jealous idiot. I was the one who was there for her. I held her when she was sad, I made her laugh. I relished every single second with her while you sat and treated her as if she didn't exist. You didn't deserve her, I did. I should've been the one to marry her, not you." Aiden is left huffing for air by the end of his rant. He shakes his head at Alexander in disappointment quickly leaving the room.

Alexander is left lying in bed stunned. His eyes so wide you'd think they were going to pop out of his head. He didn't know Aiden felt that way. He can't say he was shocked to find out though. Alexander was only shocked that his brother had basically screamed in his face. Aiden was usually so respectful. Aiden must have had more pent up anger then Alexander thought. The guilt Alexander feels seems to grow in size. Alexander clutches his chest in pain tears falling silently out of his eyes. Aiden was right, Alexander didn't deserve Leah. But that didn't mean he was going to give up.

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