Chapter 1 {Getting adjusted}

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3rd POV-

All five boys stared at eachother. (M/n) cowering a bit turning to see the shattered vase next to him. As he turned back to the boys, he found himself face to face with the one with golden eyes and black hair.

Taking a step back, (M/n) tried to speak, but nothing came out, his mouth slightly agape.

"Answer me Kid. Who are you?" The male said, narrowing his eyes in slight annoyance.

"I'm... I'm (M/n)." He finally spit out, his heart starting to beat faster as he spoke again, "This is my room...?" He didn't sound too sure of himself, but it was indeed his room.

Turning back to the other 3 boys in the room, golden eyes spoke up, "He's the other roommate." The other boys nodded in understanding as the pink haired one walked up to him.

"He's cute." He purred out, putting his finger under (M/n)'s chin tilting his head up so their eyes meet. Feeling his face flush, the (color)ette pulled away and gripped his bags. Letting out a laugh, the pink male shook his head "Don't get so worked up sweetheart.  It's just a compliment."

A hand appeared on Ryder's shoulder. "Back off. He just got here." Said the boy with long jet black hair. His eyes met with (M/n)'s for a moment before he broke it.

"You never let me have fun." Whined Ryder as he threw up his hands and went back inside. The commotion finally over, The short boy entered his dorm and looked around. There was a small kitchen with an island and a living room consisting of a couch and a tv. It was smaller than what he was used to, but he could make it work.

Turning back to Aidan, he timidly spoke, "Where's my room?" Looking at him annoyed, he ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"What do I look like? A butler? I'm not here to show you around." With that response, He turned and headed down the hall to their right and soon a door closing after.

The pink haired boy walked over and waved his hand dismissively, "Don't mind Aiden. He's just an ass, Your room is over here." He said gesturing down the hall. The last door on the right was open and had a single twin bed against the left corner.

Setting his begs down near the door, (M/n) looked around and turned to the other boy. "Thank you.. What's your name?"

"Call me Ryder Gorgeous. Your name?"

Blushing at the name, the (h/c) haired boy calmed his nerves. "It's (M/n) (L/n)."

"(L/n)? Don't tell me you're from the (L/n) family, like the ones that run the tech company." Ryder said, looking a half shocked and half smug. Being too shy to speak, the other boy nodded and scratched the back of his neck.

"Damn. I didn't know you were one of those preppy rich kids. Seems like you do belong in this school." Ryder teased with a shrug. (M/n) glared half heartedly as the opened their mouth to say something when a loud bang rang through the dorm.

Sighing to himself, Ryder pinched the bridge of his nose and turned around leaving the room. Confused and a bit scared, (M/n) followed after, walking to the living room.

Aiden was in one of the other boy's face. "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?"

Not looking impressed or even in the slightest scared, the taller man looked down at it. "Did I fucking stutter? You heard me."

The two continued arguing, their voices raising with each new sentence as the both got dangerously close to each other. "They've fought at least 10 times since we've got here yesterday." Ryder said, looking tired and annoyed.

(M/n) watched them as Aiden raised his fist and punched the wall next to him leaving a dent.

'What did I get myself into..' The short boy thought to himself.

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