Dean x Reader Imagine

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It was past midnight. The clock continued to tick and tock as if nothing was amiss. The minutes still rolling by with out a care in the world. with every tick on the clock your finger nails sank deeper and deeper into the velvety fabric of your favorite chair.

Worry was very apparent on your face as you watched the clock. You just knew something had gone wrong with Dean's hunt. He was supposed to be home over three hours ago. Every obnoxious tick on the clock only made your worry grow.

You kept telling yourself that Dean was fine, and maybe he was just stuck in traffic. But oh who were you kidding there is no traffic at one in the morning on a Sunday. Panic slowly started to creep into your mind.

What if dean had been mauled by the nest of vampires he went after? What if leviathans had gotten a hold of him? When the clock read one you knew something was terribly wrong, so you called Dean's cell phone.

It took three long excruciating rings for Dean to pick up.

'Yeah?' You hear Deans comforting voice come through the receiver.

'Dean! Where the Hell are you?!? Is everything okay? Are you hurt?' All of your words frantically tumbled out of your mouth in a jumble of confusion.

'Yes babe I'm okay I'll be home in a few.'

'Would it kill you to call? I thought you were dead! Or worse!' You cry out. you were nervous, this was the first time you had ever raised your voice to Dean, even if it was over the phone you didn't know how he was going to react.

'Y/N I told you I'll be home soon.' with that your conversation was cut short with the click of Dean's closing cell phone.

Stupid Winchester! You angrily thought. How could Dean worry you like that?!? What a dick!

Angry and tired you decided to go to bed. you were not going to wait up for that bastard. As you started to drift off into sleep you heard the front door squeak open, and the sound of hurried and hushed voices which you recognized to be Sam and Dean.

You could make out some of their words. Dean kept talking about a 'surprise for y/n' and 'how excited' you would be.

A while later you heard Sam and Dean say good bye followed by Sam leaving. Dean then came back into the bedroom. You were still awake but you didn't want dean to know that. 'I love you babe' Dean whispered so low you weren't sure he had actually said it.

Then with out another word he silently slipped into bed next to you and gently kissed your neck. His soft lips made electricity cascade down your entire body making you shiver and making Dean aware of your conciseness.

'Y/N are you awake?' He asked just to be sure. You slightly nodded your head. 'Good because I want to show you something.' He whispers.

He pulls you up from the bed and leads you into the main room of your house where the biggest and most beautifully decorated Christmas tree sat.

'Oh Dean!' You exclaimed 'it's beautiful!' You grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. when you let him go his freckles were laced with a blushing pink.

'Im glad you like it y/n' Dean sheepishly replied. Dean obviously didn't know how much it meant to you to have a Christmas tree. Ever sense you were little your family had never had enough money to buy a tree. The memory brought tears to your eyes.

Dean seeing your tears pulled you into the tightest warmest hug he had ever given and kissed the top of your head. 'Merry Christmas y/n' Dean tenderly whispered.

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