54 Kisses and Death

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Odette pulls out a chair from the table and sinks gracefully down into it. "Well this has turned out dreadfully boring." She speaks in Amorian, and Mid'haa stares at her, eyes wide in confusion.

"You mean I chose the correct one?"

"Or the wrong one depending on how you look at it." She runs her finger over grooves in the wood table.

Isabeau and Anastasie stand near the wall, their lips turned down, looking disappointed.

I take Mid'haa's hands in mine and give them a squeeze. "It's all right."

Odette signals to her guards. "Take them back to the cells."

I twist toward Odette. "You'd risk killing her without interrogating her first."

My words amuse Odette. "I've been interrogating her for years without her knowing. I need no other information from her."

"So you'll still kill her."

Odette stands and walks toward me. I like go of Mid'haa's hands and turn to face Odette.

"Sweet, sweet, Raggioet. If I kill her now, that will be cheating. You won this game after all. Besides"—she looks at Mid'haa—"I can still find use for her." She brushes past me, coming to stand before Bently where he's still held by the guards. "My Order is only comprised of lae, Digamma. One day I hope to have a full Order. I'd like you to be my Delta."

Bently makes a choking sound in the back of his throat.

Isabeau places a delicate finger to her chin. "Wouldn't you prefer your own chambers to that cold cell floor?"

"You'd have so much more power." Anastasie circles around him, eyeing him.

"I have plenty of power."

"But as a Digamma." Odette circles him in the other direction, passing Anastasie. "You could move up two ranks. Do you think that will happen to you in Blackwood's Order?"

"At least my cousin's is a real Order."

Odette lets the insult roll off her. "Perhaps you need some incentive." Her hand reaches out and seizes me by the arm. She drags me against her side, her nails digging into my skin. "Become my Delta, and I won't kill Iris when I'm done with her."

Bently's posture is somehow relaxed. "Why would that be an incentive? I've tried killing her before, but my cousin's a bit touchy when it comes to that."

"You don't think she's beautiful?"

"She's nothing to write home about."

Isabeau snorts.

Odette cocks her head but doesn't look at her. "What was that, Tresais?"

"Only that I agree with him, Preeminence."

I try not to let her comment dig at me as I bite back a retort.

Anastasie sighs. "He's lying, Preeminence. Isabeau meant no disrespect toward you."

Odette sweeps her black hair over her shoulder. "You want power, Bently. You want to be important. Become my Delta. Do you truly have no desire to keep her alive?"

"I might prefer that she lives, but I'd get over her death quickly enough."

Colton said he would come to my funeral but wouldn't cry. As macabre as it is, I can't help but wonder what Bently would do. If I've learned anything about him at all during our time together in France, I'd say he probably wouldn't attend, choosing to drink alone in a room instead. "I've made no promises to her, but I did take a blood oath to my Preeminence, mixing my blood with his, to serve his Order faithfully. I'd rather rot the rest of my life in your cell than serve you as your Delta."

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