#2 ~ The Chance to Change the World

30 3 8

Prompt ~ You are in a typical awkward elevator ride with a group of other people and suddenly a man says, "So, I bet you are wondering why I've gathered you here," before pressing the emergency stop button.

Wordcount ~ 1740

fandombeforeblood0 :)


It was a typical Tuesday morning. The citizens of Manhattan were all making their way to their day jobs, trying not to be late due to the traffic.

Xavier pushed his knuckle against the elevator button and waited impatiently for the doors to open. Once they did, he zipped inside and leaned against the rail, grateful for the vacancy.

About ten seconds after the elevator began to descend, it came to a halt. The doors opened and Xavier looked up to see a gorgeous woman strut inside. With fiery red locks, chocolate brown eyes hidden behind a pair of black glasses, a pointed nose, and plump pink lips, she was beautiful. The lady was dressed in a charcoal grey blazer over a white blouse with a black pencil skirt. She looked professional, to say the least. 

Xavier blinked and scowled. He didn't have time for distractions. He settled back in his place against the thin wall and waited for the elevator to start moving again.

The ringing of a cell phone startled him once again. His ears perked up as the red-head took out her phone and held it to her ear. "Yes, Darcy?" she greeted.

Her neutral expression quickly slipped into an irritated one. "You've got to be kidding me. Did I not tell you to print off that report yesterday?"

After a moment, she sighed and walked across the elevator, her heels clicking against the floor. "I'll go get my spare copy," she said, pressing a button signifying the floor she'd arrived from. "Meet me in the lobby in five minutes. If this happens again, Darcy, there will be consequences."

With that, she hung up.

"Faulty assistant?" Xavier spoke up.

She scoffed. "You have no idea," she said, brushing a piece of red hair behind her ear. "She's only working for me because her father wants her to follow in his footsteps. With no passion for the job, she's awful at it."

He frowned. "I'm sorry to hear that. I've had my fair share of lazy workers in my life." Offering his hand, he introduced himself. "Xavier Benson, founder of Benson Tech."

The lady rose her thin brows and shook his hand firmly. "Valery Hudgens, co-founder of Molecular Advancements Corporation."

Xavier nodded with respect. "A scientist, I see."

She smiled half-heartedly. "That's me."

The elevator stopped and the doors opened, revealing the lobby of their apartment. Xavier sent Valery a small wave before striding out of the elevator. About three steps out of the compartment, he spun on his heels and rushed back into it.

Valery narrowed her eyes. "You alright?"

"I forgot my wallet," he groaned, pressing the button that would bring him to the top floor.

She chuckled. "I would think a practical guy like you would have his morning routine memorized."

"Trust me, I would think so too."

Before the elevator could ascend, a couple rushed through the lobby and into the small room.

"Darcy?" Valery asked. "How did you get here so fast? And who is that?"

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