Chapter 10

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Chapter 10~


I was in shock. That's why he'd been acting so strange lately. This was madness, and that definatly wasn't the Harry I knew.

Not that I blamed him, Cassi is a great girl, she's like his other half I can see that he's a lot happier around her. He just has this glow whenever he's with her.

He's been avoiding me for the last week since the interview, he knew that I knew something was up.

I walk down the hall and knock on his hotel rooms door. No answer.

"Haz, I know you're in there. Don't pretend you're not,"

He gives off a muffled groan and unlocks the door allowing me to get into his room.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask him, not quite mad, but I wasn't exactly pleased either.

"Tell you what?" he says back furrowing his eyebrows.

I wasn't just about to flat out say that I thought he was in love with Cassidy, he'd probably just deny it. He was like that. He might not be good at hiding his feelings, but he's also not very good at admitting his feelings out loud.

"Uhh.... nevermind," I blurt while he shoots me a confused look.

Knowing Harry he might say he likes Cassi, but he won't admit he loves her unless he was absolutly head over heels in love and everyone one of us in the band know that. It was just how Harry was.

"So what's up?" I ask Harry who went back to laying back down on his bed.

"Nothing... just thinking of random things," Harry mopes glumly. I never thought I'd say this, but he was a lot more fun when he was a manwhore... or when he's around Cassi, but this... this is just weird, even for Harry.

"Alright.... well Niall said he's coming over with some Nandos later," I say cautiously.


"Hey Cassi," I say cheerfully calling her on my way to Nandos.

"Hey Nialler! How's your tour so far?"

"Pretty good, it'd be better if you could fly out here,"

"I wish, but I have to start school next week unlike you guys. You and the lads get to travel the world and do fun things while I get to do homework so you should be jealous,"

I just chuckle at her sarcasm.

"Totally jealous babe. Why go to Nando's in London when I can be in Cheshire doing homework?"

We basically just talked about random things until I got to Nandos. She really is a special girl, I can talk to her for hours and never get bored of her bubbly personality.

"Niall! Can I have a picture with you?" some fans shouted as I walked through the door at Nandos.

"Of course!" I say with a smile.

The lads and I are so lucky to have amazing fans so whenever I can I always try and go meet them.

Once I got my food and was back at the hotel I started to head up toward Harry's room. Just as I was about to knock on the door I heard commotion from inside.

"So what was up at the interview? This time don't avoid the question actually answer me," Louis says sounding frustrated with his best mate.

"I don't know what you're going on about Lou?" Harry asks trying to avoid the subject once again.

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