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"I'm sorry,"

Changmin messaged Younghoon to tell Juyeon that Eric was spending the night with them, It took some explaining from Changmin for Younghoon to even attempt it, but eventually, Changmin convinced him.

Younghoon was a little concerned when after seven calls, Juyeon still didn't answer, so rather he called Jaehyun. He had to ask twelve different students before he got the number, but as long as Eric and Juyeon were both safe and accounted for, it would be fine.

"Hello?" Jaehyun answered, his voice was extremely tired. He had been looking for Juyeon for an hour now.

"Hi, is this Lee Jaehyun?" Younghoon asked he kind of recognized the voice but wanted to be sure.

"Yes, this is he." Jaehyun was exasperated.

"I just wanted to let you know that Eric is spending the night as Ji Changmin and I's dorm tonight. I tried to call Juyeon but he wouldn't answer." Younghoon explained, he could tell the boy was upset about something he just wasn't sure what it was.

"Ok. Thanks for telling me, let me know if Juyeon callls back." With that, Jaehyun hung up.

"Sangyeon! Where were you?" Haknyeon asked leaping up from his seat on the couch. Sangyeon has been gone for nearly six hours.

"Hak...I'm screwed." Sangyeon whispered grabbing a blanket and sitting down on the couch, tears in his eyes.

"W-What happened? Is Bomi okay? Are you okay? Is it your parents?" Haknyeon asked letting the elder curl into him.

"They're all fine but Hak...The girl from the party that I slept with, Mina. She told me something..." His eyes were teary, he had worn protection but she didn't have any birth control, she told Sangyeon she had birth control.

"What did she say hyung?" The younger asked as he watched his hyung get emotional.

"She's pregnant Hak. I promised her I'd take care of the baby. I can't have my parents taking care of a new born baby and a three year old, i can't do that to them." He cried, he hated crying infront of Haknyeon, and anyone for that matter.

"It's okay hyung. We'll figure this out, we have all that money saved to move out, and i'm sure your parents and my parents won't mind helping out a little bit. "

Juyeon was sat at the graveyard, his phone flashlight and the street light above him is only light sources. "Noona...I know you didn't like me that much. I was pretty annoying...Are you still disappointed in me Sookyung-Noona?" He asked as he kneeled infront of her grave stone. "Am I still not good enough for you? I understand why you would think that way." tears flowed out of his eyes smoothly. "I'm sorry." Juyeon spat out between sobs. "I'm a murderer, though there is no evidence of it other than our parents testimony, no blood stained gloves hidden. I am the murderer, it doesn't matter if i'm really not. Our parents make others believe so. I am the murderer. "

"Kid, You ain't no murderer. I've seen Murderers before. And buddy, You ain't one of 'em." The voice spoke, Juyeon glanced behind him to see two policemen behind him. Their name tags read Jo Jinho and Mark Tuan.

"Come on, kiddo. Let's take you home." Jinhosmiled offering the shivering  boy his hand.

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