The Window Sill

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This caused another slap from Dark Pit and a startled reaction from Pit who didn't know that Link was in the room. Link doubled over, his face turning white. Dark Pit shuffled farther away from the Hylian as he knew what was about to happen. Unfortunately the dark angel did not move far enough, indicated by an avalanche of yellow substance drenching the front of Dark Pit's toga.

"That's it. OUT." Dark Pit scolded, "I'll deal with your victim myself."


Link sat in his room trying to figure out how to resolve his situation, There's no way he could go the rest of the tournament not being able to see Pit. After he was thrown out of the angels' room, he stumbled down the hall to his own dorm and waited out his hangover. Once he was able to walk without tripping and keep control of his stomach, he made his way over to Pit's room to apologize to both of them. Dark Pit opened the door, then quickly slammed it in his face. Link lightly knocked on the door. "I came to apologize."

"I don't give a dam about your apologies," Dark Pit answered through the door, "just fuck off!"

Link sighed and leaned on the door, deciding if he should think of another approach or listen to Dark Pit and give them some space. Link's thoughts were interrupted when he heard voices on the other side of the door. They were too muffled to hear but Link could tell there was some sort of disagreement. Pit was too far away to hear but he could tell he was talking. He heard Dark Pit telling him no, though that's all he got.

Link made up his mind: He's got to get in that room... but how? Link went back to his room and paced, talking to himself out loud, "I could try and force Dark Pit out of the room and say Palutena needs him... no Pit would tag along... Maybe if I got Pit out of the room. Mmm no, Dark Pit will probably be glued to his side." Link flopped on his bed. "Well if I can't get them out, I'll just have to get in.. but how?" Link sighed and looked out his window. An idea popped in his head. Where's my grappling hook?"


Pit sat on the bed and pouted "Are you going to keep me locked in here all day?"

Dark Pit walked around to his dresser in just his shorts, grabbing a new outfit, "That depends, but you're definitely not going out now."

"Why not?"

Dark Pit stopped what he was doing and narrowed his eyes at Pit. He walked over to the window and opened the blinds.

Pit hissed and covered his eyes to minimize his headache. "Okay, okay, I get it."

Dark Pit grabbed his new pair of garments. "I'm taking a shower, don't do anything that makes you puke. I already have to burn one pair of clothing."

Pit watched as Dark Pit closed the bathroom door and he heard the water running soon after. He leaned back and let his eyes slowly adjust to the change of light. His mind wandered and he thought about the video Roy took. Pit probably wouldn't admit this to his twin anytime soon, but he was kind of disappointed that he doesn't remember that happening. Part of him wanted to leave and try to find the Hylian now that Dark Pit was in the shower, but he thought about what his twin said, he'd probably not make it past his door. He sighed and looked at the ceiling.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock. Pit looked at the door but quickly realized that it came from a different direction. He scanned the room until he heard the tapping noise again. Pit turned to the window and found the boy he was just thinking about holding onto the window sill and waving at him. Pit gasped and quickly got up to let Link in.

Link grabbed the edge of the window and smiled. "Hey."

Pit couldn't help but smile back. "You're lucky Dark Pit just got in the shower."

Link fully climbed up on the window sill, sitting there and swinging his legs back and forth. Pit welcomed the shadow that Link cast as his eyes were not fully adjusted to the light. "Isn't it a little dangerous to be up there?" Pit warned Link.

Link reached behind the window sill, "Who needs balance when I have this!" But his hand came up empty. Leaning back out the window, he realized that his grappling hook had fallen to the ground below. At that moment, off-balance, he fell out of the window too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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