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Family Bonds.

Life makes it a point to put obstacles in your way, push through them, because those obstacles either cripple you or you survive to become someone you never thought you could be.



Life was perfect, not just because a lot of things were happening at once but because I felt as if all that should've happened when I had met my mate was finally happening, just as Jude started calling him papa, it came naturally, how I got pregnant, oh that took time and a lot of dirty little things under dim lights but I was happy, and for some odd reason Siena was pampering me to the point where I felt like glass, it was irritating but I couldn't exactly tell her to back off, she was my mother in law and I wanted her to like me if it was possible, I just had to bide my time and hide away later but as for right now.

"Do you have to go?" I whined clutching onto my mate as he set his weekender by our bedroom door, face full of what I could only describe as guilt, mixed with a little shame and pity. "Babe I have to, I haven't looked to outside pack affairs for a while, the pack business has Cornell checking in and fixing it, you have the Nile family business and your own to check on and work on since you're better at this business stuff than me, I want to do something, and running in the woods along with howling at the moon won't cut it." He explained standing near the bed, I knew he was resisting temptation, because if he got any closer, I would definitely not let him go. "Its just a three day trip to the Ryeland Pack, Emric will be expecting me and I haven't seen him in a long time, but I promise I won't stay long, I will be back before you know it." He assured kneeling next to the bed. "But I dont want to know it." I whined if only to goad him in. "Promise you'll be safe." I mumbled realizing there was no point in trying to make him stay, also his reasons were legit, I couldn't be selfish, he was my mate but he was also the pack beta, he had responsibilities.

"I promise, its also why I told Kole to shadow you if you decide to get out of the house, my mother will be here too, she insisted on taking care of her new son and her unborn granbabies." Marquee asserts to my horror, I just knew this would happen but I just had to accept it, marriage was compromise to make the other person happy, without him here to do the guarding and pampering he would feel safe when people he trusted were with me, I understood that, I couldn't argue that, it would be stupid. "Okay." I whispered conjuring up a smile that I hoped hid my disdain. "Oh bella, its going to be okay, now come here give sugar a kiss for the road." I couldn't stay anything after that, so I kissed him, kissed him tenderly as I pulled him up and threw my barely clothed self on him. He groaned as I trailed bites and kisses down his neck, as he supported my weight I grabbed his cock and stroked gently through his pants. "Bella—oh thats new." He moaned as I slid his now hard shaft out of his pants. "Hold still." I whispered in his ear as I let his cock slide into my clenching hole. "Bella." He grunted out as I rode him and my mouth found every sensitive spot on him that had him groaning and grunting wildly, we staggered to the bed where I kept moving but reversed the position, he liked it when I rode him like a freaky cowboy. "Fuck!" He grunted out as I slammed myself into his cock several times. "Oh fuc—Bella I'm gonna ohhh yes!" He all but screamed as I clenched hard and milked him for all he could give.

"Wow, I feel lightheaded." Marquee mumbles as I pant next to him. "That was the point, do you still want to go?" I pouted and he groaned. "Now I don't know, look at you all laid out and dripping for me." He spoke tapping my ass. "But nope, I gotta go—" He asserted with that dashing smile and I pretty much lost it, I still had more tricks up my sleeve, so why not make use of them. After two hours of what I could describe as dominating Marquee he manages to scrape his clothes off the floor, grab his weekender and run out the door. "Dude what happened to you?" Cornell asks as he looks at his best friend, in my morning robe I strut my stuff walking down the stairs. "You look like you just had a fight with a wild animal." Kole states as I smugly pass by my mate and press a kiss to his cheek which he actually leans into. "Good morning boys." I greeted the warrior and alpha. "Good morning." They reply warily. "Breakfast, Kole?" I offer and he nods instantly. "Come help me then, have a safe trip Cornell, love you sugar." I called out as both men were walking out and Cornell was laughing his ass off,once the door was closed Kole and I burst out laughing.

"What did you do?" He accused and I shrug. "I in no way know what you're talking about." I refused just as Marquee ran back into the house. "Bella I want more, please take me up there and do more." He begged and I smiled proudly, he could go now, next time he'll choose to stay. "No baby, you've got to go, I will be here when you come back, I will do it when you come back." I promised as Kole watched with burning fascination and amusement. "Cornell is honking outside, you gotta go now daddy." I asserted and he nodded like an obedient puppy. "But—pinky promise you'll do it." He held out his pinky and I crossed his with mine. "I promise." I assured and he smiled that million dollar smile then made his way out.

"Tell me, how do you inspire such loyalty." Kole stated with an edge of amusement and I giggled. "I can't tell you my secrets, they are only for stubborn betas." I winked and he laughed along with me, Jude makes his appearance as Kole places the fourth pancake on his plate, I knew the smell of food would wake him up from hibernation, Cornell has him doing light drills each day which honestly exhaust him but I know where he's coming from, though Jude may not remember, he is the grandson of alpha Crow, the most notorious rogue alpha who lived in our time, his enemies are still out there and one day they will find him and try kill him, so he has to be strong to defend himself and aslo Marquee finally explained to me that before Cornell's child takes over as alpha of the pack, Jude will be the one succeeding him, I haven't decided how I feel on the issue but i know when my son grows up hell want that, its in his blood.

"Morning sweetpea." I mumble as he scrambles up to the breakfast bar seat then finds his way to me on top of the breakfast bar, this is exactly what they meant when they said going over your obstacles, Kole looks at him with a stunned expression and I just hold him,my baby boy. "Tell me he's still awake." Kole jokes as I check and nope, he was alseep again. "Out like a light." I reply and we both laugh at my baby's antics. "So what's the plan for the day?" Kole asks as we eat breakfast. "We are going to the store for the day, I need to buy a wedding gift later, you and I also need to buy Kale a birthday present, and Jude needs a new car seat, so the day mostly spent in the city." I concluded and he fist bumped the air. "Someone is excited." I mumbled as Jude finally woke up. "I love hanging out with you, and when you go shopping you always buy me food, and last time we got a playstation and jackets." He rambled on as I fed my baby. "Hanging out with you is fun, period." Kaleb finally stated and I nodded with a smile. "So would you mind clearing up before Siena gets here, I will just shower quickly and we'll be out once I get Jude ready." I explained and he grinned. "Operation avoid mama bear is ago." He announced as s scrambled to get things done before we were grounded, it was living risky.



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