2am chats.

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Sollux was a night troll, obviously. He always had to be up on his computer, coding, browsing the internet or just taking to his friends on Trollian. He was on Trollian at this moment in time and has noticed that one of his favorite friends had been online. He eagerly tapped away at his keyboard and waited for a response; he didn't have to wait long.

"hey aa"

"hello 0u0"

He almost jumped when the Trollian message alert went off, he was definitely not expecting a reply that fast.

"why are you awake at thii2 ungodly hour?"

"i could ask you the same thing!!"

Looks like he wasn't going to get an answer out of her.

"well iim awake becau2e ii have 2ome code2 ii have two fiinii2h off"

It took a little longer for her to reply this time.

"oh. that sucks."

"no iit'2 actually iintere2ting. you 2hould try two code 2ometiime aa"

"haha! me? something like coding? you must be mad! 0u0"

"yeah, mu2t be."

There was yet again a long moment waiting for a reply.

"so is there a reason you messaged me?"

"you were the only one onliine"


"no ii diidnt mean iit liike that aa"

"hm... okay 0u0 so what are you doing?"

"a2 ii 2aiid before, iim codiing. what are you doiing?"

"im not actually doing anything, other than talking to you"

Sollux felt himself get flustered. No one had ever just taken the time just to have a conversation with him, it made him feel kind of special.



"hey aa wanna play a game?

" yeah sure!"

"iit's called truth2. you can probably gue22 how you play by the name. iill 2tart"

"uh...okay 0u0"

"why are you really awake?"

Again, another couple of minutes passed before he got another reply.

"i wanted to talk to you, and i know you spend the majority of your nights without talking to anyone. my turn to ask you a question now?"

"oh... and yeah, go ahead."

Only a few seconds passed and Trollian dinged.

"what do you think of me? 0u0"

This time it was Sollux that hesitated from typing.

"well aa, ii thiink youre perfectly wonderful and youre 2o full of liife. iit'2 never dull around you, iit'2 amaziing"

There was a 5minute pause.

"hey sollux?"


"i love you 0u0"

-aA has ceased trolling tA-

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