⚠️Searching fanfics from the list

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It seems that some of you sometimes have trouble finding the fics I post. The link I write at the end of every fic recommendation works (if a fic got deleted I probably wouldn't know because I'm not constantly checking if they're still available).

So I'm gonna write some ways for you to find the fanfincs:

1. With the link
I don't know how it works on your phone, but as you can't copy anything from wattpad what I do with the links is (my phone it's an iphone):

1. Select all the link.
2. Some different options appear: share in facebook, twitter, write a comment, share as a quote and three dots (•••).
3. Selecting the three dots, two more options appear: consult and read.
4. Selecting the consult opinion, it would try to find like a translation or something like this but as it a link there's no so you have the option to "search on internet".
5. Clicking that option it goes to internet and there you should be able to find the fic, or you can copy there the link and then paste it on the searching tab.


This process is a little troublesome.

2. The Google one
Go to the google tab and write:
[name of the fic] chanbaek
This worked for me every time someone asked me for help because they couldn't find the fic. So if the fic didn't get deleted, this would work most of the times.

3. Search by author
Another method is to go to the website (AO3, AFF...) and there search the author name, so then you can select the fin between all of their fanfics. This is better than searching by title name, because many fics can have the same name.

Hope you find this useful and that you like my recommendations !!!


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