I wanna feel a different kind of tension

461 5 1

Author: anonymous until reveal / baeconandeggs

Genre: Romance | Fluff | Slight angst |Enemies-to-lovers | Smut | Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics | Office!AU | Sexual tension | Fashion!AU | Omega/CEO!Baek | Alpha/CEO!Yeol |BAE2020

Other couples: XiuChen

Length: 22k

Status: Complete


Forced to work with rival fashion brand LOEY's CEO Park Chanyeol for a charity project, Baekhyun is sure it's hate at first sight. The Alpha is annoying, cocky, and can't seem to leave Baekhyun alone. Baekhyun is ready for the project to be over as soon as possible, but somewhere along the way, the line between hate and love starts to blur.

[AO3] ➡️ https://archiveofourown.org/works/24479713?view_adult=true

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