the axis powers!

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No ones POV

Italy got you a while ago when the first meeting was over,he would talk to you and tell you his feelingshe did not know that you could actually hear him

One day the axis powers were gonna have a meeting at Italy's house,Italy was sad today so he went to his room to talk to you not noticing Japan and Germany behind him

"(Y/n)....I wish-a you could hear-a me"
"I'm every-day sad today-a,Germany kept-a yelling at me and Japan kept scolding me-a...."
"Your the only person-a who could understand me-a"

The two were confused but felt guilty for how they treated Italy

"Mr italy... "they were shocked to hear a cheerful yet sad voice they looked back again at Italy's direction

"(Y/n)? Your alive-a!"Italy yelled

"Yes Mr italy"you smiled
"But are you okay?"you asked

"I think-a so.."Italy opened his eyes

You got up and patted Italy's head

"Huh?"he was tearing up a bit

"Cheer up!those meanies dont understand your feelings Mr italy"you smiled widely
"Besides I think your pretty cool"you sat down smiling

"...thank you-a (y/n)"Italy smiled

You and Italy talked for awhile

With the two stalkers-I meant Japan and Germany

Japan and Germany were shocked,with different feelings tho (lol)

Germany was shocked that a doll could talk but also very guilty for what he has done
Japan was shocked that Italy has a real life anime girl (Japan you otaku XD) but also guilty for what he has done

The two shocked men were too shocked that the door opened fully,they hit each other and stood up only to see the doll and Italy staring at them



Italy had just introduced you to the other two

"Hello!"you smiled
"I'm (y/n)"you smiled even wider

"Hallo I'm germany"
"I-im japan!"

"Hehe! I'm guessing you want to know why I can talk?"you asked


Germany sighed

"Well,all dolls could talk only if they are human sized ofcourse fuhu!~"you laughed cutely

Japan stared in awe at you

"Would you two like for me to make food for ypu?"you asked

Germany sighed

"Ya sure"

You walked to the kitchen and made (f/d)(favorite dessert)and placed them on the table,the three were eating happily

"(Y-y/n)-san you bake very dericousry"complimented Japan

"Awww thank you japan!"you smiled widely

Japan blushed a bit

"We will leave now thank you for keeping us company"said Germany before leaving with Japan

"So-a bella! What should we do now?"asked Italy

"Hmmm do you wanna make pasta with me?"

"Si! Si!"

You both made pasta Italy ate a lot while you just ate a little

Unfortunately Italy was sleepy so he slept after eating

"Oh Mr italy"you smiled

You picked him up and placed him on his bed,you sat at his desk where you regularly placed at and slept


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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