His Decision

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    Shen Wei  kept moaning and screaming as Yunlan making love to him over and over.

    "Aaaaah..... Ah....Lan!!! Faster!!! Faster!!!" As he burst onto him. Yunlan gave him a sloopy kiss while pouncing unto him. "Xiao.....Wei.... Xiao.....Wei....your so tight and hot!!!" As he spilled his seed inside of him.  Shen Wei  suddenly  pulled him again with a passionate kiss. While arching his body unto him. It's  been hours they were doing it until they finished  it at midnight.

   Shen Wei  crawled on the exhausted body of Yunlan. "Ah....Lan!" While cuddling to his hold. "About your decision?" Yunlan cut him with a kiss, "What is it my love?!" He suddenly  look at him with his doe eyes. "Don't give up your job! It is your long dream! We can marry later on! Until then do what you like!"

   But Yunlan cup his face while the other one grouped  his butt making him yelp in the process. "But Xiao Wei! I already have planned  it already! I will cook for you evedyday! And take your lunch box at the hospital! And....." Suddenly  Shen Wei  cut him off, "Stop! Ah Lan! Your cooking is quite bad!" That made Yunlan shocked.

    "What? My cooking?!" Shen Wei  nod, "I'm sorry to tell you! But you made  Da quing  sick because of the food you made." That made Yunlan sit up and frown. Shen Wei  quickly hugged him to ease his anger. "Even you? You don't  like my cooking?" He ask. "I'm sorry but it taste awful!" That made Yunlan put on his clothes back and walk out.

   "Where you going?!" Shout Shen Wei.  But Yunlan went to the couch to sleep there. Shen Wei  put on his robe and tried  following Yunlan in the living room.  Eventhough his back ache, "Are you mad at me?" He ask. But Yunlan  just turned  his back on him and mumble something.

    Shen Wei  trying calming his lover with sweet kisses  but Yunlan just  pushed  him back. Almost falling off the couch. "Ah Lan! How could you!" But Yunlan won't  look at him. Shen Wei was heart broken but stayed at the other couch to watched over his sulking lover. But he didn't  know he have  fallen asleep watching over him.

    Surprisingly next day,  he woke up on the bed with Yunlan enveloping  him in his embrace. He attack him with sweet kisses making Yunlan  stir and woke up. "Are you still mad at me?" While caressing his face and kissing him again. "I'm a little bit hurt that you didn't  like my cooking."  Shen Wei hugged  him back. "But I still want you!" And kissed  him on the lips while caressing his back.

   "Then it means you still want  to marry me eventhough  I can't  cook?" He ask. "Yes! Eversince then I love you! But I don't  want you to give up on your dream because of me!" He cut his word with a kiss, "Then you don't  mind marrying me tomorrow?" Yunlan ask. "But your career?" Shen Wei  ask worriedly. "Just say yes and I will take care of it! You know I didn't  need money nor fame as long as your at my side!" As cute brown eyes intensely  look at his beautiful deep dark eyes.

    Shen Wei  nod and smile. "Yes!" Yunlan quickly hugged  and kissed him happily.  As the next day Shen Wei  and Yunlan secretly married to one another and their witness is his father,  Da quing,  Yezun and his friends. Even his manager Xian Yan came. His father cry, "I can't  believe  my only son is married  now!" As Da quing  trying to calmed  him down.

    Yunlan and Shen Wei  both agree after every work of Yunlan was done, then he will announce to his fans and to the world that his married to the man of his dream which is Doc

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    Yunlan and Shen Wei  both agree after every work of Yunlan was done, then he will announce to his fans and to the world that his married to the man of his dream which is Doc. Shen Wei.  As all live happily ever after ......



     Thanks for my lovely readers  and commentors as I finished  this story I will begin another one,  "Possessive  Lover", maybe it's  a little  bit of horror in it I will try to write it. Stay safe everyone and have fun in reading and writing🥰🥰🥰

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