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Important Author's Note: 

Hello dear readers! I wanted to thank you all so much for the comments, votes, and for you just reading and enjoying this story! It means a lot to me and has motivated me all through this fun trip with Layton and Catherine. This is the last chapter in their book. But not the last chapter I will write. A fresh, new story will be out soon for you all to enjoy! Please, stay tuned for that. I shall post an update after this chapter when it'll come out. Anyway, please do drop a vote and a comment! I would love to hear your thoughts on the ending and the story in general. Enjoy!


"And that's it?" 


"I don't feel anything." 

"You're not supposed to. Only creatures with power, like me, can feel the change. Your scent is different." 

"How boring. I was expecting something more dramatic like flashes of light or...or...wings! I was hoping for wings!" 

"Don't be so childish." 

A little less than a month had passed since her soul 'changed'. She had expected something big to happen, but instead the night was spend on Layton's couch with a bowl of chips and Netflix. The most shocking thing was Layton liking Stranger Things. 

Honestly, she had no idea what the buzz was about until much later.

It was no lie about the attacks. After their chill night, all hell broke lose. Three attacks in three weeks, all coming from different demons. Layton had become overprotective. She barely talked him out of buying her a bulletproof vest and basically turning her into cheap version of FBI agent.

Being looked at like a five course meal was certainly one of the most annoying things. The sight of Victoria licking her lips when she walked inside the room never failed to give Catherine creeps. Thank God she hadn't met the rest of the family during the time. She'd be gobbled up in an instant. 

Specially by that Gluttony guy...

Perhaps she couldn't feel it, but things did change, and manly because she was with Layton. Many wanted him dead or suffering and she was his weakness. 

I wouldn't say I'm his girlfriend...He is not the 'label' guy. But what am I? Sex buddy? Closest thing to friend in his life? His lover?He said he loves me only once...A girl deserves to hear it more...


At least he calls me by my first name.


She was shaken from her thoughts with a deep voice cutting through the inner monologue. Blinking, she found herself standing in middle of a meeting room with a couple pairs of eyes boring into her. 

One pair in particular got all of her attention. 

"Have you quit gawking at a wall and I can get my coffee? Or that's too much to ask?" Layton was giving her his infamous glare. He sat in his usual place at the end of the table, his arms set on the wooden surface and his imposing figure leaned forwards slightly. 

There were five more men in the room, much older than the CEO himself. All of them wore tailored suits that cost fortune and frowns as if it was a part of the formal attire. 

"It's so hard to find a good assistant these days. All of them are slow-minded. At least you have one that's nice to look at." One of them commented, ugly grin plastered on his old face. 

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