Chapter 1: Lost Love and Bullets

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"Shane?" Rick's voice grew out puzzled, as he licked his pale, cracked lips. He extended his head up, scanning around the room he's been in for some uncounted time. "Shane.. you in the john?" His voice grew more hoarse, as he tried clearing his throat. His lips quivered in confusion, turning his head to the side, only to find the vase of flowers he remembered his no where to be seen buddy left him. He examined them, seeing that the life of them has been sucked out, as the soft pink pedals were scattered across the side table. He gently reached out his arm to them, hearing the tiny pops from between his bones, and the numb feeling inside his fingers. He caressed the hardened pedals with his his fingertips, rubbing them carefully.

"Lori," he whispered his wife's name almost breathlessly. His Georgia born, southern accent begun to fizzle out clearly, as he switched his attention to the clock on the wall, that mysteriously stood still...

--- "Rick.."

I jerked my head over my shoulder, hearing distinct footsteps draw closer to me. "Yeah, Daryl.."

Daryl tightened his grip on the strap of his crossbow, stopping dead in his tracks, noticing Rick's wandering mind session kicked in again. "I'm going on a run," he said, placing his foot back, about to trot off.

"You want me to tag along?" Finally speaking up, he turned his shoulder, meeting Daryl's foggy blue eyes. He rested his palm on the handle of his 44. Magnum, stepping away from the prison's high window.

"Nah," Daryl shook his head, fixing his eyes toward the light beaming quietly through the window. "Just letting you know." he looked back at him.

"Alright," he nodded his head at him in acknowledgment. His eyes peered, watching him trail off and out of cell block c.

Lori wandered out of her cell from above, spreading her hands across the old, decayed railing. Looking down upon Rick, who put on the same stance he always had, one knee slightly bent, with his toes pointed out to the side. A soft half smile grew on her lips, seeing his blue eyes make their way to her brown ones.

Rick swallowed hardly, breaking off the eye contact. He adjusted the revolver in his holster a bit, before walking off, finding a need to keep his mind off things.

Things quickly dialed down between me and Rick after baby Judith was brought into the world. Not to mention the total disbelief I had when Rick confessed that he killed Shane, and why he did, back after the farm was overrun.. Also the affair me and Shane had when I was persuaded that he was dead by Shane who only wanted to get in my pants. I know he hates me, and my son.. can't even spare a passing glance.

Lori rested her hands on her stomach, keeping eyes on him before he grew smaller in distance. She was then interupted by Carol, who walked over to her with a crying 10 month old Judith on her hip.

"I think she wants her mommy," Carol pouted her lip, bobbing her up and down, as her cries resounded throughout the half- empty cell block.

"Give er' here," Lori reached out her arms, getting a gentle hold of Judith, who's sobs suddenly ended when she was passed over in her arms. "You wittle brat," she held up a small smile, playfully tickling her in the tummy.

--- "Rick!" Glenn yelled out, abruptly running from the back hall, as he followed after Rick in a rush. "Rick." he caught up to him, picking up his breath.

Rick turned around, raising his eyebrows at him, signaling him to go on about whatever he needed to say or ask.

"The boiler room-" he leaned himself over, hands on his knees. "Is overrun by walkers again." he informed quickly.

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