The President of the Disciplinary Committee

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Akabane Karma 16 years old

Currently inside the student council room speaking with the student council president.

"Look Akabane, you are supposed to meet with the principal of this school but since my father is in a 3 week business trip students who are sent to the principal's office go to the teacher-in-charge"

Asano Gakushuu tried his best to contain his rage

'This bastard isn't even listening is he?!'

He yelled mentally as Karma looked around the room in disinterest

"Unfortunately for me the teacher-in-charge is also busy and so he made it my job to look after problematic children such as yourself"

Despite his emotions Asano continued to talk while filing a bunch of paperwork.

"How rude, I'm not a problem child at all"

Asano swore he almost broke his pen

"Excuse me?! You've been nothing but trouble for the past few months you've enrolled in this school! How on earth have you gotten into trouble 5 times in only 2 days?! Even the disciplinary committee is getting tired of always sending you to the councilor"

Asano face palmed as he remembered his friend complain about the redhead in front of him

Karma's ears perked up at the mention of the committee and he, for the first time he has been in the room, enthusiastically asked

"Is the president of the disciplinary committee talking about me?"

Asano raised an eyebrow

"Well yes but you do know you're causing a lot of trouble for him right?"

Karma slumped in his chair and started to pout

"Well causing trouble is the only way I know that would make him pay attention to me"

Asano hummed

'Interesting, he seems to want him to pay attention to him. I might be able to use this so that he can stop causing trouble- WAIT!'

Asano stopped his train of though by shaking his head causing Karma to look at him confused.

'There is no way in hell am I gonna use him to get Akabane to stop-

Before he could finish his monologue he heard a soft voice and the door creeking open

A short boy with blue hair in a pony tail was holding a folder while closing the door

"Gakushuu, I wanted to ask you about this certain student that we caught loitering in the halls after... school...."

Nagisa looked up from the paper in his hand to see that Asano was a bit busy.

"Oh, sorry for disturbing you Gakushuu and !!!"

Nagisa turned to the other occupant of the room and almost wanted to scream


Karma grinned as he turned towards the blue haired student

"Yo Nagisa-chan~♡"


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