What's Up With Faryn?

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"We need to get her off the floor," said Hannah.

Hannah and Lucy picked Faryn up between them and carried her to her's and Amy's bedroom. They gently put her down on the bed, and laid her head on the pillow.

"What's up with Faryn?" Amy sobbed. She was terrified that she would lose Faryn.

"I think she just passed out with that huge orgasm, Amy."

"But what if she hasn't, Lucy?" Amy continued. "Could you get me my phone please?"

Lucy fetched Amy's phone and gave it to her.

"I'm gonna text Bill and tell him to over. I'm sure Em's with him, and will come too."

Amy: U need 2 come over now x

Bill: Why? What's wrong? x

Amy: It's Faryn x

Bill: I'm on my way with Em x

Amy: Thank u x

Bill: Hang in there, ok? I'll b right there x

"They're on their way," she said. "I hope they're not too late."

"They won't be," said Hannah.

"We will need to get dressed though," suggested Lucy. "So it's not obvious what's happened."

"Okay," Amy whimpered.

Hannah and Lucy went to their room to dress, while Amy put on a pair of black leggings and a black tank top.

When they were dressed, Lucy and Hannah went back to Amy. She'd got a chair from the cupboard in the hall and was sitting on it next to Faryn, holding her girlfriend's hand.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Hannah answered it, and led Bill and Emily to Faryn's bedside.

"What's wrong?" Bill asked, worried. "What's wrong with Faryn?"

"We don't know," Amy wept. "She just collapsed and is now unresponsive."

"Orgasm?" said Bill, raising an eyebrow.

"How'd you know?" replied Amy, her eyes red from crying.

"One, she's naked. Two, I can see the cum oozing out of her pussy."

"Yes," confirmed Hannah. "She reached a huge orgasm, and passed out."

"How long's she been out?" questioned Emily.

"About half an hour now, I think. Lucy? You know how long?"

"Yeah," Lucy agreed. "Roughly half an hour."

"I'm so scared," Amy said, the tears beginning to fall down her face again.

"It's alright," said Bill. He slowly sat down on the side of the bed and put his hand on Amy's, which was still holding Faryn's. "You've done the right thing, getting her into bed. Let's just make sure she doesn't freeze, though."

He signalled for the covers to be put over Faryn to keep her warm. They kept her left arm out, so that Amy could keep holding her girlfriend's hand.

"I don't wanna lose her!" Amy cried.

"You aint gonna lose her, Amy. She'll pull through, I know she will."

"How can you be so sure, Bill?" Amy argued, her voice shaking.

"'Coz I know Faryn," Bill replied softly. "She's a survivor. She always has been. Always will be. She's denied death before, you know that Amy. What she lives for is danger."

"I know," she said quietly. "It's still terrifying. Seeing her like this."

"Yeah," Bill said. "Yeah, it is. But Faryn would want us to stay strong, right?"

"I guess so."

"I know so."

"I'm just an emotional wreck, Bill. How can I stay strong when I can't do that anyway?"

"You're emotional, yes. But you're still a strong girl, Amy. You just came out as lesbian, which is very hard to do, without getting emotional."

"This is different!" Amy wept. "This is me worrying about my fucking girlfriend!"

"Just relax," Bill said. "Everything'll be just fine, Amy."

"Will it though?"

"Amy," said Bill, placing his hand lovingly on her shoulder. "Faryn is gonna be fine. You just gotta keep her hydrated. 'Coz she's unconscious you don't need to worry about food, she can eat when she wakes up. Just wet her lips every so often, don't pour water down her throat 'coz you could drown her. Just drip a little water on her lips to keep her hydrated. She'll be back to normal in no time."

"Should we tell her parents?" asked Hannah. "They ought to know what's going on with their daughter."

"No," Amy answered. "We don't wanna worry her parents. They'll wanna know what happened, and they won't like the answer that Faryn was having sex with us!"

"It's your call if you wanna let them know," said Bill. "I won't say anything. They do intimidate me a bit."

"Fucking coward!" Lucy teased.

"Listen," Bill began. "I've gotta go, 'coz my parents are dragging me on holiday in a few hours and they're making me pack my own shit. They did say that you can come too, Em, if you want?"

"I'd love to baby. Just let me check if it's okay with my parents."

"We'll be about forty miles away, so about an hour's drive. Let me know if anything changes, alright? We'll be away for a week, but I could always steal my dad's car if I need to. He lets me drive it sometimes, anyway."

"With your foot?" said Emily. "My parents are cool with it. If you try and steal your dad's car, I'll drive. I don't wanna die 'coz of your foot."

"Fine!" he sulked.

"We'll let you know how she is every day," said Hannah. "Me and Lucy will stay here with Amy 'till Faryn's better."

"Okay. See you in a week." Bill leant over and gently kissed Faryn's forehead. "Get well soon, Faz."

Bill gave Amy a kiss on the cheek and she pulled him into a tight hug.

"Thank you for coming, Bill. I needed to hear all that from you."

"It's alright, Amy. Remember, I'm only at the end of the phone if you need me? I'll keep checking my phone."

"Bye Bill. Have fun. You too, Em."

They all hugged Bill and Em goodbye. Then the couple left.

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