Rules of TSC

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The Saurian Community & Specialties:

- This club looks to recognize those who have a love and spirit for dinosaurs, in addition to other age old creatures of the past. We also seek out those rare saurian books in Wattpad, and add it to our list of books to read!

- Furthermore, The Saurian Community hopes to examine new forms of prehistoric writing in everyone, whether it regards to forms of fanfiction like Jurassic Park or Dinosaur, to creative originals carved out of history. We also enjoy those special people who wish to write better and improve their style, as well as learn more about these creatures, and encourage them to do so on this site!

- Not only do we recognize books but artists and graphic designers too! We enjoy the creativity of their minds, and the impressive design they show on paper and computer! Roleplayers are also included in this aspect, for their creative minds outline the building blocks of a good story.


We won't accept ANY forms of Smut and/or Lemons, either promoted or written in any form. Please do so in pm or elsewhere. You will be rejected from the community if you do so. This is a safe space, for young and old.

Cursing won't be allowed on certain pages in TSC. In terms of any that are accepted, censorship is strongly recommended. 

Do not hate or judge anyone here because of who they are, or you will receive a rejection from this community. 


For this community I will try to promote other languages, but for now we will circulate around English-Speaking. I will stretch out to Asian languages (Korean, Chinese, Japanese) as an included factor for now.


LGBTQ+ is accepted here. Like I said before, there should be no hatred in this community, and any and all people, regardless or race, gender, ethnicity, etc. are allowed to be here.


As stated previously, if you have a saurian/dinosaur/prehistoric book you've made, feel free to let us know, and we'll add it to our reading list.

Every few weeks we'll search out a couple new dinosaurs for readers to look at, and each week after we'll add new reading lists: Popular Dinosaur Books, New Dinosaur Books, etc. (you get the picture). 

We will also do a competition with the books chosen each week and pick out three that are the best in our eyes.


Dinosaur games will commence when we gather a large enough group of people on this community. Each week we'd have a different game: A random task, riddle, search, etc for you to do. The first two people to get it right will win a prize!

Admin/Tyrannosaurus Membership:

If you want to be an admin, all you have to do is ask. Admins, or Tyrannosaurs, are the head leaders of the community. They are allowed to write stories, make games, answer questions, and have some fun while in control. There are limits however to this much power, so beware, and also be cautious of what you do online.


Will be added soon. Have Fun!

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