something's wrong

232 13 4

Anti's P.O.V.


"Daddy wake up!!"

i was woken up by my sleep, by some children yelling in my ears...wait..? immidiatly opened my eyes to see 2 children a boy and a girl by my bed "you finally woke up! you slept in again" the little girl giggle "mommy said she's picking us up!" the boy said. as i shook my head, who the fuck are these children?!

"daddy you look scared did you have a nightmare?" a girl asked as i looked around my room, this is not my room... "i-i...what the..? who?" i stuttered as i looked as my features, i immidiatly noticed my's normal pale skin colored not my usual green tinted skin looked around for a second and i am not my room or house at all...

"i-i think i'm still having a nightmare right now..." i muttered as the two giggled

"no you're not! you're awake see! we can touch you!" she giggling as both of them started poking me all over, i freaked and back up from the bed "who even are you guys? the fuck are doing here?" i asked as both of them stopped "daddy it's us! sammy and greyson! did you forget already?" the boy asked as he thought i he was joking

as i shook my head i don't have any fucking children i took a breath before standing and finding something that can help me wake up for this nightmare, maybe a bathroom!

i saw that there's another door in this room other than the door to outside the room, i quicky made a ran for it and opened it inside to see a small bathroom, ran to the sink and looked at the mirror. i still looked like me but different, my dark green hair is gone replaced with a dark brown hair, i look like shit, but my eyes are still the usual green and blue one's

"what the fuck...what am i?" i muttered as looked myself at the mirror "daddy are you ok? you're scaring me a bit..." the little girl admitted as i looked at them "why do you keep calling me that? i'm not your dad, i don't have children.." i said to them as they looked shocked a bit "but you are our dad" the boy said

"No i'm not!" i yelled... until there's a fade knock on the door. the two children ran out as i stayed in the bathroom. i sighed as i looked myself more, "okay anti...just wake up, this is not the worst nightmare you've had" i made myself a little pep talk before pinching myself waiting to be awake in my real room.

pinched myself to the point it was hurting "what the?... come on...wake up!"

"he said what?! kids get in the car and wait for me. i'll talk to your father" a female voice can be heard along with agressive stomping as they came in the room where i am "the fuck chase! i brought the kids to you cause you wouldn't stopped asking for them now you say shit like that to them?" she yelled at me looking so furious

wait.... "what did you called me?" i asked as she got angrier "what games are you playing chase? cause this is not funny, you fucking daughter is crying outside!" she yelled as she swung her hand at me ready to hit me

but i caught it and gripped her hand hard making her worried now "i asked what you called me?" i asked again not wanting a different answer as she was really worried now "c-chase? y-you're scarring me, what's happening to you?" she stuttered

but i didn't mind what he said i only heard that name..."you mean chase brody?"

chase's P.O.V.


i groaned as i was woken up by something ringing, i yawned as sat up. i couldn't opened my eyes but i tried to grab the thing that is ringing to atleast make it stop.

i felt the bed and moved my arm a bit only to grabbed a phone besides me
"who the fuck is calling me this early...?" i mumbled as i blindly pressed the answer button and moved it to my ear



they yelled so loud i had to put away the phone. "i-i'm sorry who is this?" i asked "did you got drunk or something? this is your boss! now where are you!?"

"i-i'm sorry but i think you got the wrong number" i admitted as i heard a loud sigh through the phone "No i am talking to right person, now mind explaining to me why you're late for work?!" they yelled

"i don't have a job... well not an acutal job..." i muttered "s-sir, i really think you have the wrong number, i don't have a job." i said to them "you know what? you sound like you're really sick, take the day off. don't even bother showing your face anytime soon!" they angrily said as they hung up on me

"dude...whoever they thought who i was them, i feel sorry for them..." i muttered as i looked at the time.

it's still too early but that guy woke me up now so...i breathed out as i rolled over. something's feels off...?

i groaned as i slowly fully opened my eyes as i let my blurry eyes to fade. "ugh, is my eyes really this blurry...?" i muttered as my eys didn't adjust at all, it's still blurry, too blurry.

"what the fuck...?" i started to squint my eyes to adjust it but nothing it's still blurry, i literally could not see my room

"b-bro, when the fuck did my eyes get this fucked?" i said as i started to feel around my bed with my hands. it really feels like i'm some sort of blind or something.

i started to move my hands around, until i stumbled onto a hard edge. must me the night stand. as i used the night stand to help me up the bed "Kids? are you guys awake-" i yelled but then i felt stepped on something, it felt small, but it had a shape?

i hummed as i reached for the ground and feel it a little bit to find what i just stepped on.
i went to my feet to to find, glasses?

since when did i used glasses..? and why are they on the floor? i stopped questioning myself as i taught that i could use this.

i shrugged and didn't payed in mind as i wore the glasses. finally my eyes are not adjusting right. as my eyes slowly became clear. the first thing i saw was...

"what the fuck- this is not my room! where the fuck am i?!" i said out loud as i freaked and lost balance but landed on the bed, i see a bright messy room, then a table filled with papers and other supplies

"what the fuck. what the fuck. what. the. did someone kidnapped me or something..?" i questioned as i realized my kids was with me.

oh no..

my breath hitched as i man up and stood up, walking straight at the door, looking through. i do not recogize this...and it looks like a small house

"shit..." i muttered as i walked back in the room too scared to walk outside.
"shit...stop being a pussy now chase, i don't know if i'm somehow kidnapped but i need to make aure that my kids are safe too..." i muttered

"first, finde something for self defense... yeah good idea!" i muttered as i looked around the room, there's nothing really much. but there's a closet!

i walked into the closet and opened, i was expecting to see like, some weapons or torture stuff. but no...

it was full of hanged white coats?

...fuck it, i started to look aroud the closet, checking the coats to see if i can find something, even a stick would do!



i was feeling each coat until i felt something in one of the pockets, i didn't think of what was it, i just grabbed it and looked at it..

"the actual fuck?" it was an ID but the name... says henrik von schneeplestien..

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