Seeing Her *Mainly Remus pov*

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The next day i was reading 'Blood and Chocolate'. My favorite book. I could relate to Vivian so much. She desperately wanted at make her family proud yet she wanted the freedom to make her own choices. I jumped when the familiar appaperation noise sounded thru my flat. 

"Zaphara dear. So good to see you again." Albus said flicking his wand sending my trunk to Hogwarts. 

"It's good to see you to sir." I smiled taking his arm. Then the familiar nauseating tug of appaperation. 


Remus' pov

I was teaching my favorite class of the day. The third year Gryffindor's and Slytherin's. I had them taking a test when the sent of a female wolf filed my senses. If home and belonging had a smell. 

"Ooo Remmy a female. Lemme meet her. I best she's hot." Moony's voice said. At times he reminded me of Sirius. 

"No Moony. And don't you dare imp-"

"Too late Remmy!" He howled tauntingly. Just great. Bloody fantastic. 

"She doesn't even know us so hush." I hissed back.

"Excuse me sir. I finished." Hermione whispered handing me her test. 

"Thank you Miss.Granger." i said smiling. There was a knock at the open classroom door. My head snapped up and i tried to keep my jaw from dropping. She had a sassy smile on her lips.

"That's her Remmy! Mmm. She's young, pure." I tuned him out. 

" Can i help you miss" i asked. 

"ZAPHARA!" Hermione squealed.  "Oh. Sorry sir." She blushed. 

"Hey. I know I'm a sight to see in these boring halls. But anyways. I'm here to kidnap ye ol' bookworm sir." She said with sass and respect. 

"Of course. Miss. Granger deserves to get out of clad once and a while." I smiled. 

"That she does sir. Now come along Mia before i burn your precious books." She threatened. 

"Cant believe that is the mud-bloods sister." Malfoys voice whispered. 

The woman whirled towards him. 

"What did you say." She growled dangerously. 

"Well you're hot. How can the mud-blood be related to you." 

"Mr.Malfoy!" I snapped. 

" You're Malfoy. Shame. You're cute. Slytherin am i correct. I'll be talking to Snape. Good day people. Professor. Come along Mia." She said turning and walking down the hall. Her heels clicking against the marble. My eyes following her the entire way.

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