[10:16 A.M.]

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"Good morning, my love," Taemin purred, the tip of his nose nuzzling my ear lobe.

I shifted so I could press my face into his chest, my face getting a little warm."Morning," I mumbled.

He chuckled. I could feel the little rumble in his chest before the noise tumbled from his lips.

Those same lips that decided to explore the valley that was my neck.

"Taem," I whined, pressing the heels of my hands into his chest to move away.

"No," he wrapped his lanky arms around me in an almost vice-like grip, "No, wanna give you kisses. Don't run away,"

I sighed defeatedly as he pulled me into a feathery kiss on the lips. I snuggled into his sweet warmth, my protests melting away. He pressed his forehead to mine and grinned.

"You're so cute when you first wake up, y'know?"

I closed my eyes in embarrassment and I felt him rather than heard him giggle. "Does that mean my hair is messy or something? Because I feel like you're teasing me,"

"No!" he squshed my cheeks with his palms, "No, you look really cute. Like, genuinely cute,"

I felt my whole body light up with affection. "Thank you,"

He smiled that smile that could put every star in the sky (the sun included) to shame. My heart bounced frantically in my chest.

"Of course, my sunshine. I'd do anything to make you smile."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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