First story

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Tomura's POV

Before I know it, it was time for P.E. I hated it, mostly because of Dabi. He was the athletic kid in my class. He was a massive dick to me. I sometimes hate to say it but he really was good at sports.

"TOMURA!" I quickly snap out of my deep thoughts, "We gotta get to P.E! The class already went a minute ago." I sit up from my seat and start walking off to the locker rooms with Toga. We split up and go to the locker rooms to change.

I soon as I walked in the only think I see is everyone shirtless. I'm just glad Dabi wasn't anywhere to be seen.

I head over to my locker and take of my shirt. I suddenly get a chill on my spine. I look around behind me and it looks like everyone left.. except for him. The boy with jet black hair and electric blue eyes. He didn't seem to notice me because he was on his cell. He looks up off his phone and stares back at me

"Like what you see?" He says with a big smirk on his face.

I quickly turn back around with a light pink tint on my face.

"Idiot.." I mumbled

:Time Skip:

"Okay class, today is going to be special." Mr. Kurogiri said in a loud toned voice. "You each are going to find a partner to go 1 on 1." I really didn't care for what he had to say. I didn't like P.E in the first place.

I was in deep thought when Mr. Kurogiri came and snapped me back into reality.

"Your aren't going to pick a partner?" Mr. Kurogiri says in a confused tone. "No, I really don't even want to do this."

"Well Dabi is standing over there alone so why not him?"

I look over to my left and see Dabi standing in place. He looks up and me and we lock eye contact. "Fine.." I mumbled. I walk over to Dabi witch was staring off into space. Without thinking I tug on his shirt. A moment later I realized I didn't have my gloves on. "Oh....shit..." Dabis shirt starts decaying into the distance showing more and more of his skin (381 Words)

I look up and down onto Dabi as he is frozen in place. Everybody turns to there back and watches the both of them. "Oh Shit! I-I didn't mean to.."
I felt a light shade of pink on my cheeks white staring at Dabi. A smirk grows on his face. He laughs and looks deeply into my eyes. She grabs me by the hair and pushes his lips against my ear. "You want it that bad huh?" I stare into his glowing blue electric eyes for a moment.

I quickly jolt backwards, clearly flustered. "W-What the hell!" I had a deep shade of red on my face. I was so confused. What did he mean by that. (502 Words) I freeze in place, confuse- d by his words. I felt mad and embarrassed. I quickly snap back into life when Mr. Kurogiri calls out my name "Alright next up is Dabi against Tomura!" I felt a number of mixed emotions...

Me and Dabi stand on opposite sides of the gymnasium, waiting for Mr. Kurogiri to yell start. Then he finally yells it "Ready! Set! Start!" Dabis hands light up with a blue flame. "I'd better get ready for this." "WAIT!" I can't use my quirk on him or I'll kill him. Hmm, my only options are to choke him or..     A mischievous idea pops up into my head. "If he's going to tease me.. I might as well tease him back.

I snap back into reality and waited for the perfect timing. Dabis flame had grew so he wouldn't really see me. I lunge twords him and leap behind him. Dabi realized his opponent wasn't where he was standing. (666 Words)  Where I was standing, I put my hands down his pants, I searched for his underwear quickly then decayed it. The fire was blocking the view from all the others so they couldn't see what what was happening. The fire died down and all the others could see is me having my hard around him. The look on Dabis face was priceless. It made me giggle allitle. But then a second later he turns around and pins me to the ground, his hand on my palms against the concrete. Me and him make direct eye contact with each other. Deep blue ocean eyes meet with Crimson red eyes. "T-Too close.." I murmured.
"Well you did ask for it." Dabi grows a smirk on his face again. He used his quirk inside of his cans so we both would feel pain. It started to burn me and him to. I struggle trying to let go of his grip. I let out sounds of struggling but then Mr. Kurogiri came to break us up.

"Okay okay love birds, break it up." Dabi let's go of my hands and sits on top of me. "Ok so, .. Who won teach?"

Mr. Kurogiri was in complete silence. "W-Well I didn't neither of you do anything. So I wouldn't really call it a fight." Immediately, Dabi remembers what happened when the fight begun. He looks down on him then to Tomura. "What's wrong?" Its wierd to see Dabi Suprised about somthing. "N-Nothing.." He then gets upfrom my lap and heads to the locker rooms.

:Time Skip:

The class the proceeds to change there clothes in the locker room. I quickly got changed and put on my black long - sleeved shirt. I walk out and head twords the classroom to pick up my stuff. I was going to go home earlier because I didn't feel to well. I might of just cought a cold. 

OMG GUYS, well idk if people are gonna read this but I finally got done with this part, there will be more parts coming soon so stay tuned!

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