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Slowly but surely he pushed open the door. It made a creak as it glided into the room it was hiding.
Oh my god is that-
Magna looked in horror as he ran up to the limp body on the ground. There was blood all over the small dusty room, but the majority was pooling underneath the unconscious blonde.
"Luck.. LUCK... please wake up..." The group pleaded, supporting his limp body underneath them.
"Oh uh.. yeah!"His hands shook as the portal formed in front of him, "Here." Finral felt like he was going to puke.
Magna carried the frail teen in his arms, making sure not to hurt him more. Asta followed behind.

Finral P.O.V

What. The. Hell. WHAT THE HELL! They just found Luck bleeding to death on the floor, in a secret room. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN! He didn't know what to think. Too many things just happened at once, he just wanted to get out of the bloody room.

Yami P.O.V.

Yami and Noelle had been walking through the diamond kingdom all day, searching for their squadmate. They had no luck whatsoever.
"Hey look at that..!" Noelle whispered, pointing to the trees surrounding the capitol. Yami looked closer and saw a man in a diamond kingdom robe lurking within the forest.
"Probably scouting for something, don't think too much of it, ok?"

Asta P.O.V

They had gotten to a doctor as fast as they could. He didn't want to loose his squadmate. God, please be ok.
He looked at the short boy laying in front of him. Now that they were in the light, he could see his features much closer now. Lucks face had many fleshy pink scars showing, and his cheekbones were alarmingly visible. He had large bags under his eyes, and his blonde hair was now filled with dirt and dust. The biggest difference was his chest. When they had found Luck, it was dark, and they hadn't noticed he was shirtless, or that he had a huge gash on the front of his torso. It had been carved into his skin to look like a diamond, and there was a smaller, less visible pink scar in the middle of it.
My god what did they do to him...?!

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