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 The yellow envelope shone in the pile of plain white ones around it, I hesitated for a second before picking it up. My stomach turned, what if it's a letter saying that my brother had been kicked out of the University of North Carolina? Mom would be so mad! I opened the stiff paper, unfolding the top third, then the bottom. "Mom," I yell. She doesn't come. "Mom, mom, mom!" I scream louder, bouncing up and down. 

"Are you dying? What is it?" She said running down the stairs to me. I shoved the paper at her, too excited to speak. 

"I don't understand," she says excitedly confused.

 I take a deep breath,calming myself,"Well you know how I was a teacher's assistant at Cameron's school before I graduated." she nods. "Well they say as long as I can test out of their undergraduate comparative literature class, I-I can teach it..alone..a-as a professor," I explain stuttering to my mom. "," she said and began to cry hugging me.


I put that same envelope into the drawer of the wooden desk, that I'm still hesitant to say is mine.

My pencil snaps as I press down, making the dot to end my sentence. The professor looks up at me. I sit at the very top back of the seminar room, even though I'm the only one here. No one else will be taking this test, no one else was noticed for their skills as a TA. No one else has had a schooling life as mine, a prestigious high school. Taking all AP classes sophomore year. He pulls out another pencil and turns to get up. "Oh no, no, that won't be necessary I-I've just finished." I say scrambling to grab everything as I stand up, trying not to go too fast or too slow down the steps. He puts his hand out and I press the papers right onto his palm. He smiles and nods at me. I grin slightly and walk out the door.


I put my test scores on top of the podium. A perfect score.

"And your degree, in teaching. Professor in Undergraduate Comparative Literature," I smiled greatly as it was handed to me, after only a month of teaching classes. It's an actual ceremony. Just a conversation with my teacher on the last day. I leave quickly and drive home. My mom, dad, and brother are waiting for me at the door. "Congrats Cassidy," Cameron says as my mom and dad hug me. 

"Thanks," I say enthusiastically. "And," he continues holding up an open paper. It's a list of all of his classes for his sophomore year. I look down the list. At the bottom it reads 'Undergrad Compr. Lit.' And across 'Professor Cassidy Adkins'. My smile grows larger.


I put my rosteron top of my test scores. Cameron Adkins is typed at the very top. Then I put down my bag and take a deep breath. I got my degree a month ago. It's in my bag with my diploma. It motivates me. It is my past. This is my present. This is my future. Now it's time to be professional. I go to in the big, puffed up leather chair behind the desk. It let's out a breath as I exhale. 

I whisper to myself, "And so it begins."

A/N: hey everyone! I just wanted to make a note saying how excited I am to be posting this for the new year! So here is a little backstory through flashbacks. Please and enjoy! Comments and votes are always appreciated! ilysm guys!



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