Chapter Three

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Class was finally over. I could relax until evening. Grant came towards my desk instead of out the door. "Professor," he said to me. I ignored him, but ignoring him didn't mean a thing in his mind. He would keep pushing. " 'ey professor. I know you saw my paper yesterday. I look up at him, "What paper?" I asked innocently.

 "Ma'am I know you saw it," he pushed smirking.

 "Sir, I don't know what you're talking about," I tell him. 

"Professor, I know you do," he fights back his grin growing bigger. He's good, too good, but he's not doing much at the same time.

"I'm sorry Mr. Miller, but I really don't know. The janitor or another student might've found it, perhaps," I say, making up an explanation on the spot. His continually growing grin turns into slight laughter. "Perhaps not, professor, I leave stuff up there every time I'm in here, and each time I come back, it's exactly where I left it the time before," he says now straight faced.

"Fine, you got me, I saw the stupid paper," I admit. 

"You just simply saw it?" he says trying to cross the line. 

"Not only did I see it, I also read it," I finish. Neither of us say anything for a second. "You happy now?" I ask him. He sakes his head, no. What else does he want? "Now what?" I ask him aloud. He looks at the floor and then back at me. "You saw the paper, you read the note. It was supposed to get you thinking. When you agreed with me today, I had hope. I thought you saw the big picture, but as soon as you said it was for the wrong reasons and went all adult on your brother, I knew I was wrong. Like it or not, professor, even though your legally, I guess, an adult, you're gonna be, I don't know, a kid I guess, for a while. Live your life," he explains his point of view to me.

"I am living my life, and I'm living it my way, and I'm living it right. I got an opportunity, and I'm going to take it," I say defensively.

"Ma'am you get an opportunity to be a professor, not transform yourself into a full on adult." And before I can fight back, he leaves.


I walk around the town. Norsbury is a town that is a ten minute drive from my house and a ten minute walk from the UNC Chapel Hill dorm rooms. It's a popular hang out for students, but popular for everyone near it really. It's a cute little town filled with shops, restaurants and tiny cafés. Nothing is really brand name, but it's perfect. I love how peaceful it is just to walk around, which is exactly what I'm doing.

I bump into a tall boy, but when I step back I realize, it wasn't anyone random, it was Grant. Again. Except this time he had two of his buddies with him. I try to go away slowly but I can hear him in the distance, "Hey, I'll meet up with you guys back in the room in maybe an hour, 8:00 ish?" They respond with an okay. Then he comes running after me. When he's right behind he swiftly grabs my arm, "Wait," he says and I spin around. "How much more do you want? I heard your opinions," I tell him annoyed and stressed.

"Look, professor, I'm sorry about earlier, I'm sorry about everything. I don't want to dictate what you want, I just want to show you the balance, of professor and teenager," he clears the air. I nod my head letting him no it's fine. "How about I-I make it up to you. There's a campus famous café around the corner?" he says it as more of a question than an statement. "Why not?" I sigh and go the direction he walks. The café he speaks of is in,what I call, 'campus kid alley'. All the campus kids go to all the places on that strip. Whether it be a bar, store, or even the little restaurant Cam took me too a few weeks ago.

The wooden sign above the door reads 'Café Dolce'. He opens the door to reveal a small, adorable café that appears to have almost a bohemian look. He walks me to the counter to order. "A medium regular," he says. Then looks at me,

"No, I got it, don't worry about it," I tell him. He looks at the lady at the counter, "You can get her a medium caramel latte," he says and gives her a 10 dollar bill. When she hands him back the change he puts it in the tip jar and we go to sit at the table by the window. I look at him confused before I sit down. "Oh, no they bring it to the tables," he says using his arm to point to a server currently carrying someone else's tray with coffees.

I sit down across from him. It's extremely awkward. I have nothing to say to him. I just went with it so I wasn't rude. "I'll give you five dollars tomorrow in class," I tell him.

 "No, no this is to make up for things," he responds. "Does that mean you'll leave me alone about this?" I ask him. 

"Absolutely not, I just won't be so pushy." I frown but then slightly smile when he finishes his statement. Our coffee arrives and we just sit and sip for a little.

"What do you even want from me?" I ask him extremely curious. He thinks about it for a few minutes. I thought he was just completely ignoring my question. "I want to show you the world, the world you miss out on when you become an adult to early." he says. "Where are you parked?" he asks me. 

"Um the lot at the convenience store," I say lost. 

"Okay, lets go, I know a short cut,' he smirks.

We throw away our cups on the way out, and he takes me to a bridge that apparently leads to the dorm buildings but comes out right near the lot. Grant stops in the middle of the walkway and grabs the bar railing. "Are you okay?" I ask him. He nods his head,

 "Look professor, I just want you to realize something. You only live in the present for a second before it's the past again. Each second that ticks by. 

Past, past, past.

That's why you can't let too much of your present slip away, because each second ahead of you is your future. Don't waste all of your seconds slip away from your, live each one to the best. Don't grow up too fast, if you think, you're gonna regret it," he advises me.

"Look here Grant. I get what you're saying. I have the whole time. But, right now, I don't regret a thing and I don't think I will. For me, this is living my seconds to the fullest, this is what I want," I tell him. He nods his head and then we continue our walk to my car silently until we get there. "This is it," I say when we are next to my car. "See you in class professor," he says as I climb inside my car and roll down the window. "Bye, Mr. Miller," I wave and slowly pull out. As I start to drive away he calls out to me, "I won't give up!"

Hey guys! All my awesome editing has been done by @heartsarewild so this is dedicated to her. Go follow her and read her story. I am also working on a blog. Othre than writing i like cooking/baking/DIY treats. You can fnd out what it is and my first recipie when this book as a whole reaches 10  comments or 10 votes. either way it is 5 more than the current amount. Also look out for my new book coming tuesday. I decided I have a lot of writing time and i wish I could post more so this new book is very very easy to update. Don't worry this will still come every saturday!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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