Chapter 3.

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A long time ago, mermaids lived in different parts of oceans, travelling from one ocean to another, enjoying and spending their time with their friends, guarding themselves from sharks and other dangerous water animals, discovering new things underwater, making friends with sea animals.

But...after sometime they started disappearing, people say that the last mermaids which are alive, are living somewhere underwater, a place which is hidden from humans, even though we are not sure if it's true or not, but some of them are still not afraid to travel.

Somewhere in the ocean near Spain~

The ocean was blue and calm. Water animals were roaming here and there in water, some of them in big groups whereas some were alone.

Different colours and sizes of corals were embedded on the surface of ocean bed. Sea grass and sea weed growing along with it, moving with flow of water.

Along with fishes and other creatures, mermaids were also gliding there way through the water and swimming, they were roaming here and there, catching fishes to fill their stomach, spending hours with each other doing this.

Friendly reminder: the next scene is happening when jungkook reached spain and was sitting outside, gazing at sea.

As they were wondering here and there, a mermaid saw a small object shining in water and being a curious one, he swam to go near that shining object, it was shining as sunrays were falling on it, they were not close to the surface but then also sunlights were reaching them.

He swam and swam to the shining object which was in an underwater den.

He reached for it and held his hand out to hold it. He observed it and finally recognised that it was a bracelet, green in colour.

He held it tight in his hand and then started swimming towards the surface of the water.

After what felt like 2 minutes, he finally reached the surface and popped his head out, due to which some water splashed and breathed in the fresh oxygen.

Ofcourse mermaids also breath underwater, but the oxygen is not quite fresh as the one in the atmosphere.

After breathing, he looked at the sun which was setting and the sky which was filled with white clouds, looking really pretty.

He then held the bracelet up towards the sky, observing it and then put it in his hand.

Afterwards, he went back and started playing with his friends again, but he and his friends were unaware of one thing, a storm was coming towards them.

The black and dark clouds started covering the whole sky, as he quite sea started becoming restless, bigger waves were starting to form.

The mermaids saw that but it was late now, they started swimming at their high pace as they saw large waves coming towards them, ofcourse waves cannot drown them but the pressure of the waves crashing together can.

Their tails cannot catch up to the spped of waves which resulted in them, breaking apart from each other as they were in a group and taken away by the flow of water struggling, leaving them wondering where would they end up when the storm will finish.

Next Morning~

[A/N - From now onwards, I will mention jimin by his name, but dont forget that jungkook dont know his name.]

The sea was now quite calm and non-violent, the sky was also clear now, it was early in the morning and sun was at the horizon.

The sea waves were crashing at some rocks, producing a soothing sound and white foam and bubbles were formed near those rocks where the waves were crashing, making the view look more magnificent.

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