Part 3

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Author's POV

Chaeyoung arrived at her house. She went inside her bedroom and throw her body to the bed.

Huh.... I'm so tired
She felt exhausted, but then she remembered all the time that she spend with Mina. Her smile start to grow.

She's so pretty,
Her gummy smile...
Her soft voice....
Her cute mole....
Chaeyoung couldn't help but smile more widely. Then she start to think about something.

What is she doing right now?
Oh right, why didn't I just ask her?
Chaeyoung grab her phone, but then she remembered something.

I don't have her phone number.

Chaeyoung dropped her phone, and rub her head frustratingly. Turning her hair into a mess.

Chaeyoungie how can you forgot to ask her number?!?

She rolled on her bed, and start to whining. But then she heard someone knocking on her room.

"Chaeyoung-ah, hurry take a bath then go downstairs. I would cook for you." It's her mom.

"Yeah mom i will be there in a minutes."
Chaeyoung start to make her way towards her bathroom and taking a bath.

Now she's inside her room again. She finished her food quickly, so she can get back to her bedroom. Her mom even gave her a questioning look. Because usually Chaeyoung would eat slowly. Nothing wrong actually, Chaeyoung just want to lay in her bed this time.

*Bzzt... bbzzzt....

Chaeyoung glanced at the sound. It's her phone, she grab it and then lay on her back again. It's dahyun


Chaeyoungie, how's your day?
Is it good?
Did you made friends?

Hey, dahyunie it's good.
Maybe you won't believe it, but...
I just meet a girl and she's so nice

Chaeyoung put her phone back, and start closing her eyes. A few minutes later, her phone start ringing.

DubBro is calling you

Chaeyoung pick her phone, and hit the green button.

"Chaeyoungie.... you should tell me, everything that happened today."
Dahyun said excitedly.

"Dahyun slow down, why did you sound so excited?"
Chaeyoung frowned her brow.

"Chaeyoung-ah you barely talk to people, there must be something with this girl."

"No... it's just, she's so kind and really pretty."
She mumbled the last word.

"Son Chaeyoung, you know i can hear it. You better tell me EVERYTHING."

"Okay okay dahyunie... I would tell you EVERYTHING."
Chaeyoung mocked dahyun's 'everything'. Dahyun giggled after hearing chaeyoung's answer.

Chaeyoung tell her how she meet Mina, and all things they do today. Her smile never leave her face. And of course dahyun teased her a lot.

"Okay so this nina (?) girl"

"Dub it's Mina"

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