Chapter 3

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-2 weeks later------------------------------
Sophie's P.O.V
I woke up today feeling really nauseous, I soon felt something coming up my throat so I rushed to the bathroom just in time to spill my guts up. I clutched my stomach whilst heaving into the toilet. I felt someone pull my hair back and rub my back whilst whispering
"It's okay love, let it all out" I knew that Wolverhampton accent belonged to Liam.
After about 30 seconds I slumped against the toilets and started to cry. I felt Liam pick me up and put me on his hip as though I weighed nothing at all. I hid my face in the crook of his neck whilst he tried to calm me down. Key word TRIED. He walked downstairs with me still on his hip and strolled into the living room to see Louis sitting there with a cup of tea. Once he saw me he put his tea down, jumped out of his seat and raced towards me. He took me out of Liam's arms and sat down with me on his lap.
"Sshhhh princess, shhhhh what happened babe, shhhh" he whispered soothingly in my ear.
"I found her throwing up this morning so I went and held her hair back, once she was done she just started crying and wouldn't calm down" Liam explained to my very worried brother.
"Okay thank you Li" Lou said.

5 minutes later-----------------------------

I had finally calmed down, thanks to Lou but now he is getting me to eat, I kinda lost my appetite from throwing up earlier. So Lou finally gives up but, instead of sighing and running his hands through his hair like I thought he would, he crouches down to my level, takes my hands in his,
"Sweetie, I understand that the past few weeks have been hard on you but you need to eat. Try to eat if not for me do it for your unborn child and you" he says softly.
"I'm sorry Louis I lost my appetite earlier" I reply not looking up at him.
"I understand love, now go get ready it's going to be a long and hard day today" Lou explains
It's only then I realise today is the day of my mums funeral, I feel so bad I can't believe I forgot about my own mother!! So I do as Lou says and make my way upstairs. I pass Zayn and Liam in the hallway,
"Morning Sophie" they say in unison, they are way too hyper for 9:30am!
"Morning" I mumble back and carry on on my way to my room when I stop
"Oh and Liam" I call to him, he turns around
"Thanks for this morning" I say and he smiles
"Don't thank me We said that we would help you through this, and that's what I was doing" he told me
I smile thankfully and continue to my room, I wander to my wardrobe and start looking for my black dress. I find it at the back of the wardrobe, typical. I make my way into the bathroom to take a shower, so I strip down to my bra and underwear, look in the full-body mirror and let out an ear piercing scream. I pull on my dressing gown just as I hear pounding on the door and a voice that can only be recognised as Zayn
"Sophie, are you okay" he asks worriedly,
when i don't reply he raises his voice slightly
"Sophie, are you okay, answer me, open the door" he shouts clearly concerned and worried
I reach my shaking hands from my spot on the floor and slowly unlock the door, Zayn rushes in, and sees me shaking on the floor with tears rushing down my face, he sits down next to me and takes me into his arms,
"Shhh,shhh it's okay sweetie calm down, deep breaths in and out" Zayn cooed.
I started breathing with Zayn and soon my breathing was almost normal again.
"Are you okay love, what was that about?"he asks
I stand up and turn on my side so Zayn can see. He stands up with tears in his eyes and hugs me
"Zayn, I don't know about you but with me, breathing is a must" I gasp out
He releases me and instead of saying anything he screams
Next thing I know, what sounds like a herd of elephants come bounding up the stairs and into my en suite.
"W-what's going o-on" asks an out of breath Louis
"Jeez Lou you're supposed to be the fit football player, you've only run up 13 stairs" I say jokingly
"Oh hush up you! I thought something was drastically wrong" Louis responds then turns to Zayn
"Why did you scream for us to get up here" he asks
"Sophie turn on your side" he commands me,
Doing what he says i insecurely turn so that I'm facing the mirror, I here a bunch of gasps which just makes me feel even more self conscious.
"I know, I know I'm fat, but can you please stop staring at it" I say quietly
"YOU ARE SO NOT FAT" and various other compliments and disagreements with my statement were thrown at me.
"Sophie you're not fat, you're pregnant, you'll get a big tummy and you should be proud of it! You're bringing a new life into the world for christs sake, you're gorgeous and anyone who tells you otherwise is just jealous" Harry says softly pulling me into his arms. Soon I was squished in the middle of 5 guys hugging the life out of me.
"Okay guys I get now let go and get out so I can get changed" I say laughing. the boys leave and I finally get in the shower.
Once I'm out I dry myself and get dressed, I put on a black dress with netted shoulders/sleeves that stops just above my knees, and I put on a pair of black heels on my feet. Next is hair and makeup I decide to go for a half up-half down hair do today and I put on natural makeup. After I've finished and I'm happy with my appearance I make my way downstairs where I find all the boys in suits.
"I'm ready" I say coming down the last few stairs
All their heads turn to me and next thing I know I have loads of compliments thrown at me from all directions
"Those heals are a bit high don't you think" typical over-protective brother.
I laugh at Louis' comment "No Liu they're fine I've got a pair of flats in my bag as well just in case"
"Okay Sophie but if you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable or the slightest bit of pain you tell one of us okay? Okay!" Louis says just as the car pulls up. we all file out of the door and into the limo.
This is it, I thought, I'm on my way to say bye to my Mum I think to myself as we pull out of the driveway.
Hey guys
Sorry I haven't updated in months! But I'll try to update more regularly now, anywhore I have a question to ask you all, I have been calling you crazy mofos but then I thought that's what Niall calls us so I want you guys to come up with a name for yourselfs! It can be anything!! Don't forget to vote and comment!! Thanks guys
Love Ya

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