The cows monster

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I will NEVER forget this night. It was just too weird. I had been to my grandmother's wedding in Austin by 7 pm. We had a good time. Everything was normal till I started my way back home. It was a normal car ride, I was actually getting closer back to home, but I made a turn. I don't know if it was the wrong one or not but the next thing I know there were cows everywhere. They were all out in the middle of no where all in the road which of course I thought was strange but I waited for them to move. Of course I did do the occasional honk of the horn. They didn't move though and something very weird had happened after about 2 minutes of me staring at these stupid cows. Fog had started to come and to top it off it was actually quite thick as well. Now sure this wouldn't seem very weird which is what I had initially thought but the more I thought about this the more I got creeped out but I had no idea what was coming next. I saw two glowing eyes. They were staring from in the fog. It had scared me right to the core. I couldn't stop staring but eventually they left. They just disappeared and yeah at that point I was thinking about just turning around and leaving but I had no clue if I was even in the right place anymore, considering I had never seen any cows around here and not to mention those eyes, secondly I didn't know any other way home from grandmother's. So I sat there and looked frantically through the fog trying to find an explanation for what I saw. Just as I had started to calm my nerve I saw them again those glowing eyes. They stared directly at me. I could feel them. I hadn't even noticed it at first but it moved forward. The cows didn't even seem bothered like they hadn't even noticed this thing there. It made me feel as if I was loosing my mind, which I probably was at this point. It came more into were my headlights were pointed at this point. I could see it's horrible, disgustingly creepy face. The glowing eyes looked like they had been sunken into the face. It looked like it hadn't gotten sleep in years maybe even decades. As my eyes traveled down its face I saw it had a mouth that looked as if it was a huge frown with tiny sharp teeth like a cat but way more terrifying. My eyes were trapped to this beast. I couldn't think straight my mind felt as if it was going a million miles per hour. Which is how fast I wish I got out of there. That beast came closer. It was only at this point that I realized just how tall this thing was. Of course I don't have an actual hight but this thing must have been at least 7 or 8 feet tall. Its long dangling arms were so skinny that you could see its bones. It was basically the same with his torso. You could see almost all it's ribs. I think I almost puked. It's hip bones were the next thing I saw as it came closer to my car pushing passed a few cows to get over. After it's hips there was it's skinny legs. It's skin or actually it looked more leathery than skin but it was a sickly color. At this point of course I was questioning my sanity. It was scary. This monster stared at my as it walked. My ears had started to ring by this point although I don't think I would have noticed if it did earlier. I began to freak out. It was coming closer. What would I do if this thing hurt me or worse killed me. Now what did I do. Well I closed my eyes. If I was going to die I guess then I'd better accept it. After a few seconds of that it fell quiet. There was no more ringing. Just the occasional moo from one of the cows and some crickets. I thought it was over. I thought it stopped but then I opened my eyes. It wasn't there. It wasn't in front of my car it was just the cows. Still though the ringing started again this time it was louder though. More deafening. When I had finally realized that is when I finally decided to look to more than just my front window. That when I saw it. That horrible face dangerously close. It was right next to me now. It was right outside my door. Looking at me. Staring at me. The ringing continued. My head started to hurt till it was too much to bare. This thing this monster was just staring like nothing was wrong. I was going crazy I had decided but still I stared back. In fear. If I looked away what would happen. Did I want to find out? Though I soon quickly realized I didn't really have a choice. At this point I realized my nose was bleeding and still the ringing and my headache. It was all so much. Though I still stared. I don't know why. Maybe I was just paralized by fear. Maybe I was just dreaming. None of that mattered though because soon I passed out. After at least a couple hours of sleep I woke up. It was day now. The cows were no were to be seen. There was no more fog. And thankfully that monster-ish creature was nowhere to be seen. I started my car again, I still don't know why it was off to begin with, but I sped off. I wanted home. I wanted nothing to do with whatever happened last night. I still don't know whether it was just a nightmare or a hallucination but I know one thing. I will never be able to see cows the same.

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