last part

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A leap of 6 years

In maheswari mansion

Everything was hustle bustle all are moving from one place to another and are very busy
The mansion is looking colourful
Here in a room
Laksh was getting ready in his dress for his wedding
His friends are helping him rather teasing him

Karan: ahan laksh u are getting married

Laksh: come on dude u also got married last month what's big deal in it

Naina: your the last one to marry laksh see me and Karan got married.

Cabir: see me and ishitha also got married

Swara: me and dhruv also got married.

Dhruv: you are the last one

Laksh rolled his eyes at them
Laksh: so what should I publish it in news paper or what.

Everyone else shook their head.

That is when Ap and DP came in to the  room

Ap went to laksh and caressed his cheek.

Ap: u look so handsome laksh

Laksh smiled at her and hugged her.

Where as Dp smiled at them.

DP: now stop being emotional like he is going to live in ragini's house come on he will be right infront of us this too much u both.

Both AP and laksh rolled their eyes at him

While remaining all chuckled at them
Here in ragini's room

Ishitha is making ragini ready while janaki is helping them.

Ragini: by the way where is your idiot husband didn't even call u from last two days.

Ishitha twisted her lips

Ishitha: I will see him after your wedding I will make him spit blood for sure.

Janaki slapped the back of ishitha head
While ragini Chuckled at ishu's words.

Ragini: Iam with u .

Ishu rolled her eyes at ragini's words.

Ishitha: Thu raheney dey bhaiya ki chamchi

Ragini widened her eyes at ishitha and twisted her lips.

Finally they made ragini ready while gossiping and teasing

Finally they made ragini ready while gossiping and teasing

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She looked so breathtakingly beautiful.

Ishitha: u look so beautiful ragini laksh sir will have hard time now

Ragini glared at her.

Ragini: will u ever stop calling laksh as sir

Ishitha : no because I like calling him that.

Janaki looked at her daughter and kissed her forehead

Janaki : I will miss your drama

Sekhar: me too
Who just entered now

Ragini: guys plz stop being emotional like I will leave u forever his house is just in walkable distance and we can meet everyday.

All chuckled at her.
In Mandap

Laksh was doing the rituals he has to do.
He was waiting impatiently to look at ragini in her bridal dress which he selected.

That is when panditji told to get the bride

Ragini was Walking towards the Mandap with ishu and janaki on either side of her.

Laksh was dumbstruck looking at her she was looking so beautiful that he couldn't take his eyes off her.

Ragini came and sat beside laksh and both were doing the rituals.

Both were teasing eachother.

That is when panditji asked laksh to fill her maang and adorned her with mangalsutra.

He kissed her forehead and pulled her cheeks as she looked cute.
After two days

Ragini was resting her head on laksh chest and both were sitting in the swing of their balcony
She was wearing a midi floral dress looking cute

Ragini was resting her head on laksh chest and both were sitting in the swing of their balconyShe was wearing a midi floral dress looking cute

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Ragini: laksh now we are married na I should call u laksh ji na

Laksh looked at her with a weird expression.

Laksh: no need u call me laksh only why is that ji and all

Ragini: no laksh oops laksh ji wife should call husband with respect na u are my patidev now

Laksh rolled his eyes at her

Laksh: ragini Iam telling u stop watching TV serials or I will just cut the cable wire.

Ragini pouts
Ragini: u arrogant jerk

Laksh: ya whatever

Ragini stayed silent for awhile and again started speaking

Ragini: laksh your a famous cardiologist na

Laksh: not famous a cardiologist.

Ragini: yes now you earn so much money na why should I work .

Laksh looked at her like are u mad

Laksh: ragini did I ever compelled you to work no na it's your wish if you want to work  then u can work if your not interested then Don't work

Ragini smiled at him

Ragini: aww Mera bacha

Laksh: yaakkk don't call me that

Ragini Chuckled at him

Ragini: one last question laksh

Laksh: will u stop if I tell u to stop no na then speak

Ragini twisted her lips at him

Ragini: when will we have kids

Laksh: look who is asking a kid is speaking about another kid

Ragini Chuckled at him and started playing with the button of his shirt where as laksh was ruffling her hair.

Both felt peaceful and were enjoying their time

In silence both promised themselves to take care of each other to love each other till eternity.

The end.

So guys finally this FF is complete
Thanks for everyone who voted read and supported this book love u all
I hope u people enjoyed reading this
Will meet u soon in epilogue ❤️❤️

Love u all

Cute devil

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