Are you dum

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Dereks P.O.V
It was Jersey standing in the ground of my door I let her in.
J: why didn't you tell me
D: tell you what
J: that you where in a gang
D: whhhhhat are you talking about
She walks up to me and grabs my face so gently and makes me look at her a since she was shorter then my I was lookin down.
J: don't lie to me I know your in a gang and I don't care if your in one as long as your safe so ima ask you are you in a gang
D: yea
J:ok that's all I wanted to know damm my nigga like was it that hard
All i could do was start laughing because it was funny I was still lookin at her and she was still lookin at me I put my arm around my waist and I kissed her and she's smiled when the kiss was over.
J: I think I should go I don't want to wake up your mom and dad
D: stay with my we can sleep in my room
J: Derek trendz are you trying to get in my pants
D: I mean you never know
J: you'r funny it'll never happy not even in your dreams
She hugged me and kissed my check and left my house all I could do was smile I want to be with her so bad I just don't know how to tell her she's somethin different I went upstairs to my room and I kept thinkin about her so fuck it I ran to her house and I knocked on the door and she opened it
J: Derek what are you doin here
D: I want you to be my girlfriend
J: what
D: will you be my girlfriend

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