Our Love Story-a one piece fan fiction

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The early morning light streamed through a crack in the covering on a shattered window. I winced as the light hit my eyelids. Squeezing my eyes tight i snuggled into the girl who is almost my sister. After a few minutes Zoei (Zoey) started stirring.

"Zenny come on you got to get up." she mumbled in my ear. "if you don't hurry you won't be able to get us money for dinner tonight."

"You Either" My voice sounded harsh even to my ears. I was sick I knew it, just as i knew that Zoei and I were dying a slow death. The worse part of know this is knowing that there was nothing we could do to prevent it.

Taking a deep breath I opened my eyes to the  grimy and run down hut we called home. Beside Zoei the only things that keep me company were the mice and cockroaches that could been seen running around everywhere. Sitting up beside my best friend I quickly ran my finger's through my hair trying to comb out any unsightly tangles. I grabbed the cleanest shirt I could find and threw it on over my head. "Zo I'm  going to go get some water. See if we have any flour left." I said as I walked to a hole in that wall that was only slightly bigger then a young child. As I stepped outside I was blinded for a few seconds while my eyes adjusted to the many streams of bright sun light. When my eyes had adjusted I found the old rusted pail and headed down the dirt road to the outskirts of town. It was the same path i had taken for as long as I can remember. I had to hurry, the towns people didn't like the idea of sharing things with Zoei or I, and i have no idea why not. It isn't like we ever did anything to them, unless trying to help out in anyway we can is bad.

while I pondered on why the villagers hated us so much I had reached the small river that circled the town. Looking around to make sure no one was around, I have had way to many head injuries from projectiles being thrown while I'm not looking, I quickly scooped the pail into the crystal clear water. The sounds of the village starting to waken almost made me drop the pail as I pulled it from the cold water.

After another quick look around. I started off down the path toward home. "I wonder if there are any new ships on the docks....maybe i can find a job there today." I mused to myself as I walked slowly home, trying not to waste any water. It was as I was nearing the hut, that a huge commotion seemed to erupt suddenly from the town. Scared that they were coming after us again I picked up my pace. Just as I was about to remove the rotting piece of wood that served as our front door it was kicked down from inside. Zoei was there with a look on her face that screamed someone was dead. She was about to charge out when she saw me and a deep sigh of relief escaped from her lips.

"I thought they were after you again." She said pulling me into a hug.

"Zo, why don't they like us?" I asked as she released me. "Was it something we did? something that i don't remember?" There was quite a few gaps in my memories, Zoei says that they were traumatic events that i have blocked out to keep my sanity in place.

"No! San-Maria don't think like that. You are the most loving person I know. The villagers just don't like things that make them look bad. We do live on 'Tourist Trap' Island after all. They fear that if the people from the sea saw us in town they would spread word that our island is trash and that no one will come." As Zoei was speaking she had pulled me into another hug and was stroking my hair. 

A little creeped out by the emotional tone that was creeping into her voice i pushed her away. "So" I said clearing my throat "Do we have any flour left?"

I awoke with a start and almost fell out of the hammock that i was in. 'Where am i?' My mind was wirling, the dream of the past mixed with new surroundings I was lost confused and scared.The room I was in was small and dark, almost like i was in a closet with the door shut, ouside of the room i could hear voices, all of them sounding like men. Last night came back to me in a rush, The men, the offer, the attack, and him....the boy with the black hair and freakles that had saved me. 

Thats were i was, i had headed back with him to his ship to get some food, (what was that boys name again? oh well i most likely will never meet him again.) i guess i must of fallen asleep and was placed here. Carefully, so i wouldn't spin the hammock around, i climbed out of bed 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2013 ⏰

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