Chapter 10 - The Gathering

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Looking out at the cars trying to find parking, Torie could only shake her head and roll her eyes. She should have had more parking set up and no one even thought to consider it. Where the hell did they all find so many damn Black SUV's to rent anyways ? she asked herself. Chris had to teach her the proper etiquette for greeting visiting Alpha's and their mates. The Beta's didn't need special treatment, just a hello using their title. She blithely asked if the Alpha's had some sort of secret hand shake she was not aware of and he laughed until he realized she wasn't laughing.

For nearly five hours she was stuck standing in line while the Visiting Alpha's moved down the lines shaking hands and greeting her and her people and offering her proper respects for having brought the foul fiends to Justice.

Torie was getting agitated and had to pee in the worst way.

"What do we do ?" Clare asked Chris, who in all honesty had no clue. Never before had all the Alpha's ever gathered on one packs lands before, usually only a handful at best. But he could see Torie was about to either loose it or pee right there on the floor.

"Get her out of the line while I hold up the next Alpha for a few minutes." he said quickly and walked down the line towards the arriving Alpha.

"Alpha Carter if I could get you to wait a few moments. Alpha Torie had a call she needed to attend to for a moment." Chris said quickly.

"Not a problem Beta Chris, my it's been so long sense we last saw each other, we can use the time to catch up. This is my mate Jose, my First Beta Cherry and Guardian Jaxon." Carter introduced while Chris smiled and nodded to each in turn. There was something different about Jaxon's scent though and it nagged at his Wolf.

"Come on.." Clare said behind Torie as she gently pulled her Alpha away from the line. "Chris is holding up the Alpha's for a few minutes for you." she added quickly and looked around as everyone else who realized what was happening also took that time to make a bathroom run. Torie took off like a shot and sighed happily inside the bathroom. Clare giggled to herself while the Beta smiled as well, each taking their own turn for a break.

"Christ, it's been five minutes already, how long you going to pee ?" Clare whispered as she checked her watch yet again.

"Five hours worth, I knew I shouldn't have drank all that coffee.." she heard as Torie answered her. Well she did have a point, Clare conceded and continued to wait. Soon enough she heard the toilet flush and the water run in the basin before the door open and Torie stepped out.

"Now what ?" Torie asked.

"We just have three more to greet and then you can eat. Who knew that over fifty packs and prides would actually show up ?" Clare admitted while shrugging her shoulders.

Jax remained seated facing the Alpha couple with Cherry beside him, he noted that the First Beta's scent was different, something about it was off. It wasn't his scent though, it was someone else's scent, someone he was around quite a bit. As First Beta that could be anyone within his pack though.

"Ahh we're all set, sorry for the wait Alpha, everyone." Chris said as he opened the door and moved back to his position within the line. He nodded towards Clare and then his Alpha who nodded back before he put his attention on the group moving up the line.

"Alpha Torie, it is an Honor to finally meet you. Congratulations on the reforming of Pack Greywolf, and I wish you luck within the confirmations come tomorrow with the Alpha Council and to be honest it really isn't bad, they just test your Alpha abilities." Alpha Carter said and whispered in an aside to her. She smiled and nodded back to him.

"Welcome Alpha Carter and thank you so much for capturing the one responsible for the Bus Massacre, it is long past due." Torie said and smiled.

"Ohh don't Thank me, Thank whoever left him on our doorstep. He may be a bit worse for wear in staying with us, but he'll be fit enough to stand trial and Justice." Carter promised and smiled as Torie laughed then greeted his mate with the proper respect. Clare rested her hand on Torie's shoulder to help her remain calm, the many people gave Torie a bit of a claustrophobic feeling.

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