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(a/n normal- George italics- Reece bold- Blake)

Hello :)


I am hungry

Did we need to know that?

Yes you did

well Reece, if your that hungry go get some food.


Hi G

And I agree with Blake go get some food

But that's just effort, I'm on my bed, I can't be asked to move.

Stay hungry then

but I'm hungryyyyy

what can we do about that

I don't know

now go get food or stop complaining

I ain't complaining

hmmm... sure your not

what?! I'm not

if you say so

I do say so

Anyways, we have to go to the studio on Tuesday to record our new song.


we have been teasing them for forever, they are probably so excited that it's coming out next Friday.

if I'm being honest with you guys, this is our best one yet.

yes I agree it slips

slips? lmao

oh for god's sake! slaps* stupid autocorrect

the new song slips for sure

it does indeed

oh my can you guys not

is Reecey getting annoyed?

aww little reecey

Little? Blake, I'm older than you

yeah but I'm taller

oh, shut up! I'm taller than George so can I call him little

hold up... when was I involved with this?!

since you called me reecey because you know I hate that name.

lmao Reecey is getting angry now



is today pick on Reece day on something?!

no, but there should be a day for that.

no there shouldn't! if there was there would have to be a pick on George and Blake day

and... who said that?

me... I said that

anyway, George who is this katiexfoster girl?

yes finally not picking on me... yes G spill the tea

She's just a girl I found on here, saw she lived in Sandy so I followed her

ooo think George is getting a little crush

No Reece... She's just my friend

Friend? so you talked to her?

Yes, I talked to her

so is she single or...

I don't know! why does everything have to be about dating all the time, am I not allowed to be friends with girls?

No one said you couldn't

it seemed like you guys did

hmmm anyway, I going to get some food.

I have to go anyways too, gotta help my dad with something.

Oh alright, bye then



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