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  • Dedicated to To the boy who grabbed my hand and wispered run


one word to describe Mr.Kendricks modern science module, or Cross State school in general.

Guess i should tell you a bit about me. My name is Kaylee Layland and im 16 years old and a trouble maker. I know that when people say that about them selfs its usaly for the attention but not me . no im always ready for a fight, i'm the girl the guys go after , im the girl that get good grades but teachers hate me, im sassy and have awesome fasion, i love books and running, i also have a thing for wolves, when i was younger i used to follow the ones in our woods and watch them , i also loved music. i played guitar and sang. i loved country .

looking at the time i was also late for IB bio ...again, i grabbed my bag and walked down the deserted halway and out the front door, skipping one day wouldent hurt , i took out my new iphone and turned plugged in my headphones, the new phone was an expencive gift from my practicaly non exsitant father, its his way of trying to make up for never being around, when in reality i love being home alone. i can eat what i want , and play my music loud, ever scince my mom got a drug addiction and ran off my dads been distant and always at work , i guess its his way of forgeting, i stoped and relized that i had walked to my old favorite spot in the woods, i shrugged off my backpack and moved a few big sticks out of the way and layed down  it was mid june and warm ,Hinders " lips of an angel " came on and i closed my eyes and let the words wash over me, i jerked awake and felt somthing breathing on my face..no sniffing was a more resonable explanation for what i felt.. and smelt , crikling my noes trying to reject the bad breath smell, i opened my eyes and i froze.

Staring me in the eyes was my wolf. well the wolf i watched when i was younger, the grey wolf that was my ever constant compainion for years , just staring me in the eyes, i lifted my hand to touch his face, im not sure how i knew that he wouldent bite me , or run , or that i even knew that it was a he .. i just knew , i sunk my fingers into his fur.. the top of his coat was rough but beaneth that there was a down coat,hen somthing changed ... his whole body got tence and his fur stood on end and before i knew what was happening he has sunk his teeth into my arm, i shrieked and he turned and ran, i was making little squeeking / crying sounds.. i got up and stumbled into the genral direction of my house praying my dad wasent home but knowing him he was off on some trip .

when i got to the house it was dark and i stumbled with my key in the lock , i got in to the house and undresed as welli could while sobbing , i downed a handfull of  pain kilers ( my dad has them for his back ) and rushed to the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit . On inspecton the bit wasent that back and it was on a vein and full of spit thou , so all the blood wassent nessisarily from deepness. i cleaned it and dressed it and sat on my bathroom floor crying . I hadent cried like this scince my mom left , i  had to be strong and show people that i was ok . the pain killers started to kick in and and i was getting drowsy , i crossed the hall to my room and srtiped off my bloody clothes and crawled into bed i fell alseep shotly after dreaming that i was a wolf running through the woods and that i was so fast  , faster then the wind .

i woke up to a face over me , i screamed and aimed my fist at there face , he gasped and fell off the bed swaering profusly , i regonized the voice and hesitantly looked over the edge , i breathed a sigh of relief , it was dylan. Dylan has been my friend scnce we were children and lately weve been more then friends, were trying it out and if it dossent work then back to friends . 

"WTF?!" "OW " he said angryly as he crawled up next to me on my bed, " sorry i spooked" i said , but he wassent listening he was looking at my arm , " how the hell did you get that ?" he asked,                 " i uh got bit by a wolf , no big deal but dont you dare tell my dad"  he looked uncertain and i had to make sure he dint tell my dad , i lifted the blankets to sugesst that he come under with me , that wassent weird for us beaause we have done everything together scince we were small, swimming, baths, sleepovers, the works i pressed my self close to him feeling the outline of every curve/ muscle , he was pretty fit and i have to ay , it was definily a bounus . i brushed his quickly blcking eye and kissed it  " im sorry , i hope it dossent hurt that bad " he put his arms around my waist and pulled me even closer i closed my eyes still half medicated and tired, he kissed my forhead and asked me why i wassent wearing any cothes only bra and panties, i laughed , " cuz that stupid wolf got blood on my favorite jeans " he laughed and i could feel his laugh through me , i closed my eyes and i noticed somthing , i could smell cooking spices on him , and the last time he cooked was couple days ago the smell should be gone i shouldent even be alble to smell it i cracke dmy eye open and i foucused on his shirt and with shock i relized i could see each and evey thread that was on his shirt, i went from having to wear contact and my precription being a 5.7 to being able to see everything even better then normal . 

dylan picking up on my uneasyness  and kissed me , i rapped my arms round his neck and he made a small noise in the back of his throught i giggled and rolled on top of him , with my new super sences i felt a twitch under me i smirked , i kissed his neck gently and then his lips , his breathing had picked up and he reached behind me and undid my bra, i giggled as i felt another twitch this one more promiate , i  could also ( i dont know how to explain this or how its possible) but i could feel  the sexual engery rolling off him , i coud smell the tension, i swiveled my hips centering myself on him he kissed my neck and i reachch over and turned out the light giggling not a care in the world only liing in this moment .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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