1. That day

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7:30 A.M.

Everyone thinks it is because of the snow.

Maybe, who knows it's true?

I wake up this morning to find the lawn covered with a thin blanket of ice. It isn't even an inch, but I guess a little snow in London brings the city to a standstill as the snowplow in the country gets busy clearing the roads. Let's just say this water just drops and drops and drops - it isn't exactly frozen.

But it was enough to cancel School! My little sister Gwen (though we are twins, I still find her extremely little even when she's like a few minutes younger to me), lets out a whoop when Dad's A.M. Radio announces about the snow. "School's closed! It's snow day!", she yelled, excitedly.      

 "Mom, let's go make a snowman."

My mom smiles looking at her. Well, she had got an unexpected day off, just to let you know, she's a journalist. My dad lit up his cigarette. He started smoking recently. He says he does it as a part of the evolution of Father-Knows-Best attitude and just tries to not talk about it. But I know from inside he's bummed. Being a businessman wasn't a part of his to-do list. Before he used to be a part of this band named "The Violent Femmes" which sort of has a nice ring to it. He used to be a drummer and lyricist of the former band.

But sure, I can say Dad is happy today. Barely an inch of snow means that most of the offices are closed, at least in a part of the neighborhood. So it's and unexpected day off for him too.

My mom switches off the radio and pours herself a cup of coffee. "Well, if it's snowing there's no way I'm going to work. That's just not right.

" So, should I make breakfast?" Dad asks.

Me and my mom panicked at the exact moment when he said he'd prepare breakfast. Dad isn't really such a good cook. Usually Mom's the cook in the family. But yeah, Dad did the serving.

"Alright, who wants pancakes?", Dad asks.

"I do! I do!" Gwen yells. " Can we have chocolate sauce on them?"

"I don't see why not." Dad replies.

" You have far too much energy today, Gwen." I tease. I turned to Dad. " Maybe reduce a few pancakes for Gwen. Even after being a professional ballet dancer she need her sister to keep a check on her diet." I said, staring at her.

"But don't remove my chocolate sauce though." I say again. Gwen stared at me as if a one-legged fat man wearing a stiletto heel was suddenly standing in the middle if her gut.( I'm sorry that's sorta gross but never mind.)

Dad looked at me and said, " Don't worry I won't do that, that would be child abuse." My mom hands me a steaming mug and the daily magazine."

"Oh, there's someone special in there." Gwen said while gulping her coffee.

 "I know." I sigh. Will's band, "The Flash", was getting showcased.

"Ah, Eric must be so proud." Dad says, smiling. I know he's excited for Will. Proud even.

Eric was also a part of the band. Just like Mom and Dad. They were best friends. But suddenly my Dad quit. Then my Mom. The band is no more though. Everyone moved on and had even more bigger problems to solve like taking care of their families. Apparently Eric married Dad's college friend, and they had Will.    

"Are you going today?" Dad asks.

"I don't really think so. It depends if they shut down everything on account of the snow.

"There's gonna be heavy snowfall," Dad says.

My mom suddenly popped up into the conversation which almost gave me a heart attack. It was like there's-a-cockroach-out-there kind a freak out. 

'Where were you supposed to go?" Mom asks, puzzled.

"I'm supposed to rehearse with some pianist from college that Professor Tushman hired."( I know Tushman's a weird name, I get it, I mean what kind of parent would name their kid Tushman? Bummer.) Professor Tushman is a retired music teacher at the university who I've been working with for the last two years, is always looking for victims for me to play with.

I haven't gotten into Julliard yet, but I guess the audition went pretty well. I t was just like my fingers were an extension of the strings and bow, and the Bach suite and Von Westhoff Suite had both flowed through of me like never before. I played it in my own way, drowning in my own emotions. When I'd finish playing, panting, my hands shaking from the pressure so hard, one judge almost smiled. You must be thinking that hey, what's the big deal if the judge smiled even I could have smiled if you had bribed me. But judges are usually serious. His smile was rare. Judges don't usually smile, especially serious ones. So he offered me classes which would help me for my training. Also Gwen was selected to professional Ballet training at Juilliard. Lucky her.

"Can I go sleep?" I ask. " My violin's not tuned, so I can't practice."

My mom sighed, probably she was happy I guess. She somehow acquired the taste of classical music over the past years. But she's not an always-happy-and-willing-and-patient audience of my lightning-fast rehearsals.(Sorry Zeus.) 

Sometimes I feel bad. I have always wondered if Mom and Dad are disappointed that I didn't want to be a sort-of Rock Band Chick. Then in school, I'd wander into the music class and search for the violin- it almost looked like a living being to me. A separate unique soul. And it was lonely. Maybe I was tempted to know the violin's daily timetable. Nobody touched the violin in music class, they were too busy with the saxophone or piano or guitar. So I started playing it. It's been almost 11 years now I haven't stopped.

I peeked through the window and saw the snow's melting. I ran to dad.

"Do you think they'd Un-cancel school?"

"I don't think so Sel. They can't do that now. It's to late to do that." Dad answered.

Well, what's the point of sitting at home then?

"Hey Dad, why don't we go check out on Will and Uncle Eric? I'm sure even their plans are cancelled." I knew that my Dad would be the most happiest person to meet Eric now.

" Okay, then let's go!" My dad said enthusiastically.

My Dad usually bought enthusiasm in the family. Me, Gwen and Mom were usually the quiet people.

"We can stop at Willow's Cake Shop on the way." Mom suggested. I can still remember the aromatic sweet scent of donuts and freshly baked cake served at Willow's place which left my mouth watering.

"I'm so in." I said. " But if you guys don't mind, can we also visit the Casettis also?" The Casettis is a very big old store where they sell second-hand books and classical recordings. I usually bought the classical recordings which nobody ever seems to buy except me.

"Sure sweetie." She answered.

"Gwen." Mom calls. "Get ready, we are going on an adventure."

Well, Gwen finishes her ballet stretch-out and gets dressed.


Hi guys! This is my first story and I hope you like it. It's gonna take a while for me to update as my online classes have started .

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