Chapter 19

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"You know what I said",Caden says not looking at me,sipping his drink. Why is he being so casual about this?
"Werewolves? Like The Wolfman? Like Van Helsing?",I asked nervously.
"Are you seriously naming werewolf movies?",he asked with a chuckle.
"Are you really saying Scott's a werewolf? You know they don't exist right?",I asked.
"I'm not an idiot like some airhead Hazel. I know you're something too",Caden says. I gave him no reaction. This is what I get for being friends with a Hunter's kid.
"Okay, let's say Scott is a werewolf. Would you kill him?",I quiz.
"Did he ever kill an innocent?",he asked.
"He wouldn't have the stomach",I told him.
"And you?",he asked.
"I killed a human soldier who was in charged of taking care of me at one point. I got angry and my powers were out of control at the time. I accidentally killed him with my magic triggering my werewolf curse. I'm not proud of it, I still feel guilty till this day. He was good man amd is in a better place now",I told him. Caden eyes widen as he hears me explain my story.
"Your a Tribrid. One of the first crossbreeds between vampire, werewolf, and witch. But why was a human taking care of you?",he asked.
"We had a lot of threats when I was a kid. So they took me to Mr.Harper Reynolds. They didn't want to worry about me while taking care of the issues or whatever. He taken care of me for four month and we became close. I was seven years old at the time. After he...died, I had to go back. My parents were disappointed in me even though my father killed thousands of people.
They were really just disappointed that I came back though",I told him.
"That's why you live with your adoptive family. They mistreated you",he says.
"Yeah, they did. They didn't care about me till they realized I ran off. They couldn't stand the thought of me calling other people family and not thinking about them as family. And they want everything to do with me. They want to take me away back to New Orleans",I rambled but stop.
"I'm sorry for rambling",I apoligized.
"No, its okay",he says.
"You gonna try and kill me?",I asked.
"No, I'm not. We're best friends, remember? And I'll make sure to have your back. And maybe Scott's",he says.
"Maybe Scott?",I asked with a raised brow.
"I don't like him. I have to go, my dad is expecting me soon",he says to me. He gets up and pays while I stay seated. If Caden figured out about Scott so quickly then whats going to stop the other hunters from finding out? I got up and go sit at the counter as I waited patiently for Ronnie. I waited fifteen minutes, it felt like hours but I was a bit early. A bell rings letting the employees know someone came in. I turn to see Veronica, and did she look horrible. She looks really pale and looks like she haven't slept. She meets my eyes and didn't look happy. She stomps over to me, takes my arms, and drag me outside.
"Yo Ronnie, I kinda want to keep my arms",I told her.
"You knew didn't you?!",she asked, well demand.
"Knew about what?",I asked cluelessly.
"Derek, my brother. The so called murderer everyone's talking about. Derek Hale, the brother I thought died six years ago!",she snaps and my eyes widen. I nervously looked at her with my hand rubbing the nape of my neck.
"About that. Yes I did know, but at the time. We were enemies and had so so I couldnt exactly have a lovely talk to him about his long, lost sister turning up from out of no where. But, I should've told you",I say to her feeling bad.
"You think?",she asked.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I have so many other things going on in my life that is completely slip my mind. I am sorry",I snap. I go to walk to my car till she pulls me back.
"I'm sorry. I forgot you got things going on that are way important",she says.
"Your problem is important too",I corrected her. Of course its important when you found out your dead brother is actually alive.
"I should have told you and him. It just slip from my mind and I'm sorry. It was wrong and I hope you can forgive me",I say to her. I felt bad about all this. It really did slip my mind.
"I forgive you. And I'm sorry for being so hard you",she tells me. I smile and give her a big hug and ahe hugs me back. I stop and looked at her concerned.
"Um...are you sleeping okay? You don't look so good",I observed.
", to be honest. I'm having nightmares again. I hadn't had them in two years and ever since I came here, they've been back",she admits to me,
"Oh, I'm sorry Ronnie. Is there anything I can do?",I asked.
"Get rid of the nightmares",she tells me. She looked serious but cracked a smile.
"I'm just kidding. I have to sign into work",she says going inside but I pulled her back.
"Do you belive in herbal medication?",I asked her. I really wanted to help her, I feel like I owe her for keeping her brother away.
"I never tried it before",she says confused.
"But are you willing to give it a try?",I asked her.
"Um...sure?",she says confused.
"Great. I'll mix you up a herbal elixir to help your nightmares and give you actual sleep. You work same time tomorrow, right?",I asked as she nods.
"Okay. Bye Ronnie",I say happily. I rushed to my jeep and hoped in just as my phone was ringing.
"Hello",I say in greeting.
"Hey Hazel",I hear two out of five of my favorite boys say.
"Hi Scott. Hi Stiles". I put my phone on speaker and set it down in my cup consul and start driving.
"A-re you okay? You know...",Scott stutters and I smile at his concerned.
"Of course I am. I'm Hazel Russo, nothing can bring me down",I told them.
"So you're good? Fine? Normal? Not...dying?",Stiles asked really fast.
"I'm normal again, not dying. Feeling like myself",I told them.
"Oh thank God. Scott! Scott, shes okay. We're not losing our best friend",Stiles says in dramatic relief. Scott and I chuckle.
"Then come over Hazel. Stiles wants to watch Batman",Scott says.
"Oh, I'm sorry guys. I wish we can hang out but my brother is coming home. I dont want to miss that. And im pretty sure i have to have dinner with my birth family",I explain my plans to them.
"Eww! Why?",Stiles asked in disgust as I chuckle.
"Yeah, why are you giving them the time of day?",Scott asked with distaste.
"They saved my life and I want to thank them. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them",I told them. They were both silent until Stiles breaks it.
"Why dinner? Why can't you write a simple thank you note?",Stiles asked.
"I agree with Stiles",Scott inputs.
"You two act like my dad sometimes. I apprieciate your protectivness but I have to do this. Its the right thing to do",I told them.
"You always have to do the right thing. That's why you're such a good person",Scott says and I smile.
"Well, if you ever want to ditch tbe lame dinner, you can hang out with us, mostly me. We're more cooler than you old family anyways",Stiles says and I laugh.
"I agree with you Sti, you and Scott are the coolest best friends ever. I'll take that invitation into consideration",I told them. I pulled up in front of my house and turn the engine off.
"Well I'm home now. I'll visit as soon as possible. I gotta go",I tell them, picking my phone up.
"Bye!",I hear them both say. I laughed and hang up on them. I get out of my jeep and walked up to my house. I stopped and listen to the voices inside the house. I smiled and rushed in to the arms of my brother.
"You're home!",I say happily.
"You're okay? Do you feel sick?",he asked me in a worried tone.
"Like I told everyone else, I feel fine. I feel like myself, promise",I told him. He just nods and hugs me in a bear hug.
"You can let her go now son",our dad says laughing.
"A few more minutes",Tony says.
"We're having dinner with the Mikaelsons tonight",mom announces.
"What?!",Tony screams in shock as he drops me to the floor.
"Ow! Tony!",I hissed in pain.
"Oh, oops. Sorry Haze",Tony apologizes as he helps me up. Then spins back to mom.
"What?",he asked.
"Hazel wants to do this",dad says. Tony then spins back to be in shock.
"Why? No! Why? Why would you want to do that?",Tony questions alarmed.
"They saved my life Tony. I want to thank them at dinner",I explain.
"And a gift basket and note wouldn't do?",he asked in a sarcastic manner.
"You seriously sound like dad, Stiles, and Scott",I told him.
"Good. They're just as sane as I am. Who would actually want dinner with the Mikaelsons?",Tony asked in disgust.
"I don't want to Tony. But I have to because its the right thing to do. Its not like I'm going to go back into their arms",I told him.
"Ugh why do you have to be so nice all the time?",Tony asked whining making me smile.
"Would you rather me be mean to everyone including you?",I asked him.
"No. Now lets watch a movie",Tony says and drags me to the livingroom as mom and dad follows.

 Now lets watch a movie",Tony says and drags me to the livingroom as mom and dad follows

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I was in front of the Mikaelson home with Tony and our parents. I take a shaky breath as I watch dad rang the doorbell and then turns to me.
"Are you sure you want dinner with these people?",dad asked for the hundredth time.
"Yes",I told him and he sighs. The door opens to see Klaus and Haley.
" 'Ello, come on in",Klaus says as he opens the door for us.
"You look beautiful Hazel",Haley says as she goes to hug me but I stepped away from her. I don't like hugs from strangers. She looked upset but I didn't really care.
"Shall we go sit",Klaus suggested. We all nod and walked into their dining room where the other Mikaelsons were sitting. I looked at the sitting arrangements and almost scoff. The front of the table have the Mikaelsons and one seat open. And at the end, were three open seats. Were they trying to seperate me from my family? I looked at my family with an upset look and dad seems to noticed this stupid seating arrangement as well. He walks to the open seat next to Klaus and sits down and gives everyone a sarcastic smile. I looked to see all of them with disappointed looks. I sit down next to Tony as mom sits across from me. On my other side sits Kol. He looks just as uncomfortable as I was. A plate of food was set in front of me but I didn't want to eat but I also didn't want to come off as rude. We were eating...i actually don't know what the heck we're eating. We don't eat super fancy food. We were all silent for about fifteen minutes.
"How's school Hazel?",Elijah asked.
"It's fine",I told him.
"So good grades then?",Klaus says.
"Yes",I say quietly.
"In fact, Hazel is one of the top five students with outstanding scores. She has such an amazing IQ level",mom brags and I blushed ans looked down. This is not the time to brag.
"Well then. We're proud of you Hazel",Haley says smiling.
"Um...thanks",I say.
"What made you change your mind Mrs.Russo, Mr.Russo?",Klaus asked.
"If it were up to me I wouldn't have come",dad says.
"We came because I wanted to say thank you for saving my life. You didn't have to. So thank you",I tell them.
"Of course. You're family",Hope says smiling.
"Forever and always",the mikaelson family chorused.
"Is always and forever neglecting family?",Tony asked them with a challenging look. Klaus gives him a glare but it turns amused.
"Tony Parisi, hadn't seen you in awhile. How's life?",Klaus asked.
"Russo actually. And you know, trying to avoid pyscho assholes like you",Tony says.
"How dare yo-",Klaus sneers in anger and I interrupt.
"Can we not!",I scream.
"I just wanted to say a simple thank you. I don't want people fighting",I say glaring.
"I'm sorry Haze",Tony tells me softly.
"So how long were you two married for?",Freya asked mom and dad.
"Well we started dating a couple months after we moved to Beacon Hills. After a year, he finally proposed. And a month later, we got married",my mother tells Freya.
"Our love life isn't any of their business Andy",dad grumbles as he glares at Klaus.
"How long have you been playing volleyball Hazel?",Haley asked. I raised a brow at her. Wow, they really ignored me when i was with them.
"Five years old",I told her. It was her turn to raise a brow at me. Every Mikaelson except Davina looked confused.
"That's something we would've known. Are you sure?",Haley asked making me scoff.
"Yes I'm sure. I would remember one of my best memories I ever had from living with you people. You would have known if you would just gave me the attention you gave to Hope",I snap at Haley.
"That's no way to speak to your mother Hazel",Klaus tells me.
"My mother! She is not my mother! She has never been my mother! My mother is name Andy Russo",I yell angrily and i feel the house shake.
"Hazel, we're sorry for everything. We are so sorry. We would never do it again",Hope says. I look at her to see nothing but honesty and guilt.
"I'll forgive you all. But it will never be forgotten. And I will never come back to your arms or call you family. Thank you again for saving my life but I think I had enough for tonight. You guys ready to go?",I asked my family.
"Lets go. Taco Bell sounds better than this crap",dad says getting up to leave.
"Have a great evening",mom tells the Mikaelsons and we all finally leave.

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