The One With The Dream: Part 2

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3rd person perspective

Rachel stood up, tiptoeing over to the door since Joey fell asleep. She opened the door and closed it softly. But she clumsily forgot something, so she opened it again and put on shoes and her coat. And some lipstick as well.

She went over across the street to Ross' building. She went inside and and got in the elevator, over to Ross' floor. As she arrived, right at his doorstep, she knocked on the door. But, soon on figured out that it was open. She opened it and saw Ross, reading books and studying.

"Oh thank goodness, Ross" Rachel puts her hands on his face. "I've been thinking about you the whole time" Rachel looks at his face. "Me too" Ross says, with no enthusiasm. "What's wrong?" Rachel asks. "Rach, do you love me?" Ross looks deep in her eyes. "What?" Rachel says. "Do you love me?" Ross asks her, letting out all his feelings for her, the feelings that got him worried.

"Yes, yes i do" Rachel smiles at him. "Do you truly?" Ross says, looking down, as if he were about to break down with tears. "Yes, Yes, Ross, there's nothing more to worry about, because, i love you, i want you, and i need you" Rachel holds the sides of his face.

"I love you too Rach, so much" Ross smiles at him. They both hug each other. "What are you doing kiss me!" Rachel let's go. They both kiss each other, both passionately and with all the love in their heart.

And all they could think about is this...

I love you, and i will never let you go.....

I love you ~ roschelWhere stories live. Discover now