Dark Mark

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*Third Person (We skipping again aye) 

"I can't!" Draco yelled at his father and Lucius grabbed him "You're doing this Draco Malfoy, you have no choice" "I don't want it!" Draco cried, he fell to the ground as Voldemort casted the cruciatus curse and he cried in pain, Draco was raised into the air and placed on the table limply. He shook his head, crying. "No! Please!" Draco yelled and Lucius restrained him and Voldemort pressed his wand to his forearm and Draco cried in pain, it hurt so bad he passed out.

A few hours later Draco woke up on his bed. He sat up and he felt so dizzy, falling back down. "Fuck" he groaned, feeling emotionless. He looked at his left forearm and stared at it with disgust, on it was his dark mark- it hurt when he moved his arm and it made him feel sick. 

"You know what you have to do" "I can't fucking do it!" Draco snapped at his father when he went downstairs, Voldemort had gave Draco a 'mission' to kill Dumbledore and let Bellatrix and the others into the castle with the vanishing cabinet. "Snape will protect you" Lucius said and Snape nodded slowly. "Indeed" he said in his cold tone and Draco gave both of them a sour face. "I'm not like you Father, and I never will be" "Draco, he will kill you if you don't do this. Snape will help you but you have to do it, all of us will be murdered" Lucius said sternly and Draco stared at him and then flipped him off before going back upstairs.


Draco got on the train, sitting in his usual compartment but no one was in there yet cause he got there as early as he could. He didn't want to see anyone, he kept his sleeves pulled over his hands and he knew his face was paler than usual. He felt empty. He looked up after being lost in his terrible thoughts when the compartment door was opened. "Draco?" Harry said slowly and Draco rose his eyebrows a bit, having no motivation to smile and he sat down next to him. Harry was the only one who came in- the others were outside listening.

"Are you okay, Draco?" Harry said, taking his hand and it felt freezing cold. "I feel so empty" Draco said quietly and Harry turned his face since he wasn't looking at him and Harry kissing him slowly, Draco's lips were cold at first but they warmed up against Harry's once he kissed back. "hey, you'll be okay. Do you want to talk about it?" Harry said slowly rubbing his arm and Draco shook his head, not wanting to think about it.

"don't worry, Dragon. Look" Harry pulled the heart necklace out from under his shirt to show Draco and the blonde looked at it dully. "I still have it on, do you still have yours?" "yes" Draco said quietly, pulling his out too. They both got each other a necklace accidentally on their 2nd year anniversary and they thought it was hilarious they thought of the same thing. 

"good-" "he put the cruciatus curse on me" Draco mumbled, cutting Harry off as tears filled his eyes quickly "Draco stop-" "It hurt so bad Harry, my father pinned me down on the table. He didn't stop him! My own father held me down and made me suffer, it hurt so bad!" Draco broke down and Harry quickly pulled him close, Draco's shoulders shaking terribly.

Hermione opened the compartment silently, and Harry shook his head and she nodded. "lets leave them alone" Hermione told the others and they went to the compartment next door. "Hey, lets lean against the wall and you can lay on me okay? You look so tired baby" Harry said, sitting him up and wiping the tears off his face that kept dripping down. "I have nightmares every time I close my eyes" Draco mumbled and Harry lightly kissed his forehead, wiping the tears again "no tears baby, I'm here now. Come here" Harry stood him up and Draco felt weak. "Look, I brought it with me" Harry opened his trunk and Draco watched, holding himself. Harry handed Draco his sweater from Mrs. Weasley. Draco told him to take it until next year cause he couldn't have it in his room. 

Draco took it into his arms but sat it back down on the benches and gave the weakest of smiles and Harry's heart broke. "Come on, you can lay on me and sleep" Harry laid down, putting his folded hoodie down as a pillow and Draco laid down on him, relaxing for the first time in a while. "I love you baby, more than anything in the world" Harry whispered a few minutes later, slowly running his fingers through the end of his hair but Draco had already fallen asleep. Harry sighed and kissed the top of his head, then leaning his head back down on to hoodie. Draco's hand was rested on Harry's chest, the train started to move finally. Harry had started to doze off a bit but continued his movements as much as he could to keep Draco asleep. 

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