The 9 S1 EP4

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The 9 Episode 4 Season 1

....Its time to face your fears young one


Episode Title: The Start Of Ones Journey.

All 8 young suns are getting ready for their mission

Prince Terence: Ahhhh today is mission day boys and girls where we decide our fate where we-

Illusia cuts him off

Illusia: Yes Prince our first mission we got the first ten times you said it

Prince: I'm sorry I'm just SO EXCITED!!!!

Optimista: We know sweetheart, but we need you not to sound like a broken record.

Prince: Right...sorry

King: Haha your a goofball prince

Prince: What else is new?

Starr: Hmmm it looks like your in a friendly mood!

King: Not friendly but I'm less moody than I'm usually am

Emberien: Congrats.😐

King: And moodiness has went up

Glow: Emberien please save the snarky comments for later

Emberien: She said later hot head! I'm still gonna antagonize the shit out of you!

King: Awwww look who has a crush on me

Emberien: Ew.

Universo: Anyway, what do you think the 8 armed beast will think of us?

Spiriter:....You did not just seriously ask that question.

Starr: Obviously nothing good baby boy

Universo: One don't call me baby boy, two why do you think that

King: Well what the hell you think is gonna happen "Hey! Your looking for the Evolution stone well that's great, but first tea time!" Not! Homie is going to try to slice and dice us

Emberien: By us you mean you?

King: Boi, please shut the F**k up

Emberien: Awwww who's an upset jawbreaker?

Glow slaps the sh*t out of Emberien's head then saying


Illusia: Okkkkk, we're packed....lets head out

?: WAIT!

All 9 Celestials turn their heads as the see a familiar figure

9th Sense: Wait, I'm coming with you on the mission

Optimista: You don't have to

Spiriter: That's nice man but you don't gotta go

9th Sense: No no, I insist I wanna experience all mission with you all!

Universo: Well hop aboard there's always room for one more!

8 Sense: Good! Shall we proceed then?

Illusia: Yes we shall

All 9 Celestials including 9th Sense walk to the standing podium where the Suns will be awaiting them for mission.

All 8 Celestials stand waiting at the podium awaiting The 9

Prince: WE'RE READY!

Illusia: Why so loud?

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