eleven: unearthing the truth

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RETURNING TO PHOKIS is a strange homecoming of sorts. Enyo knows the streets of Kirrha, and the path to Delphi is burned into her memory. Kassandra parts from Enyo and Barnabas in search of Elpenor, agreeing to meet them at the Temple of Apollo to seek the Oracle's wisdom. The old sailor and disgraced champion fall in the winding queue of pilgrims who have come to seek an audience with the Pythia. It does not take long for Barnabas to strike up a conversation with the pilgrim ahead of them. Herodotos is the stranger's name, a scholar with a keen like of history from Athens. He regards Lesya with suspicion —rumors speak of a great warrior who bears an uncanny likeness to the woman standing before him.

The queue shuffles forward and the discussion between the sailor and historian shifts to the Eagle Bearer. Lesya narrows her laurel eyes when he mentions Kassandra's parentage and the heirloom she carries —the broken spear of Leonidas himself. "Barnabas, perhaps discretion would be wise," she mutters.

Barnabas pats her on the back and laughs. "The gods have made me an excellent judge of character," he remarks, holding Herodotos' attention. They shuffle forward again, the doors of the temple in view, and are greeted by Kassandra. The misthios slips into the queue and holds her arm level —Ikaros swoops down to perch. Herodotos eyes widen as he catches the half-spear held in Kass' quiver.

The eyes of the two black-shelled guards slide around, following their stride. Kassandra and Enyo enter the shady interior of the temple to find the air thick with a cloying sweetness. From low, wide copper sconces mounted on tripods, ribbons of myrrh and frankincense smoke rise like ghosts.

When they come to the Adyton chamber at the heart of the temple, it is nearly dark. Marble likenesses of Poseidon, Zeus, the Fates, and Apollo himself glare down them, uplit by the eldritch gloom of the sconces. Kassandra almost flinched when she saw two unmoving dark-garbed sentries. But more disconcerting was the slumped figure sitting on a three-legged stool in the center of the chamber. She is draped in a long white gown and strings of beads, her wreathed head lolling, lost in the pillars of scented smoke rising from glowing pots on the tiled floor around her.

"Enter into the light of Apollo, the light that illuminates shadow." The Pythia sighs throatily, gesturing to the gentle glow of the burning pots. "What do you wish to know, traveler?" The Oracle of Delphi is nothing more than a girl, her face still round and gentle, but Enyo knows the Cult has their talons in Apollo's servant. Her head rolls back, gaze rising to look upon who had come seeking Apollo's wisdom. "The child on the mountain!" The Pythia exclaims —arms extended toward Kassandra, then her eyes move to Lesya. Fear and recognition overcome her. The Cult had sent one of their champions.

One guard grabs Kassandra's shoulders and hauls her away toward the entrance, but none dare touch Enyo. She does not struggle against their hold and Enyo trails after the Eagle Bearer. Another seizes the Oracle and drags her into the shadows at the rear of the temple. Kassandra winces as the stark light of day falls upon her again. "The Oracle is finished for today," the guard booms over her head as he shoves her outside. A great groan arises from the long queue.

Kassandra turns to Lesya. "The Oracle knew you," she says, narrowing her dark eyes. The guards even feared her she thinks, realizing how little she knew about the woman standing before her.

Lesya shrugs. "I have come here before seeking her wisdom," she lies. She'd come to the Pythia before, but only to ensure she spoke what lies the Cult fed her and to protect the girl from the vile likes of some of the Cultists. Herodotos joins them, explaining Barnabas had to return to Kirrha after troubles arose with the harbormaster.

"What will you do now?" The historian inquires, seeing a new spark in the Eagle Bearer's eyes.

She looks between Herodotos and Lesya. "Hunt for a snake."

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