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I don't understand time, sometimes it flows so fast that last decade felt like yesterday, and sometimes it never goes making us stuck in a horrible era, wishing to know best to help us endure the pain. When I look to the past to remember how I got stuck in a room so far from anyone else, it made my watch ticks slower than ever and two weeks felt like two years, I don't know how much I can bear, the days are very long and I have to be strong, weeping on my lost, and wondering what will last, thankfully I had my mobile phone with me to talk to who I love and watch the news, I was one phone call away to take me back home but I can't make it, instead. I dug in the past until the present start moving again.

Last year the world was on fire and so as I, I got a new job in a hospital, a raise, a car and a friend who might be the love of my life, meanwhile, the world was literally on fire, America, Russia. Amazon Rain forest and a lot of places too that didn't get the media coverage but what proved I'm right that the world is full of shit, metaphorically, cause when Australia got on fire, their solution were killing camels which Their meat would have fed many hungry mouths, but that is against animal rights and killing them is not, that is life, seeing people's true image when they lose control and Looking for a way out.

2020 wasn't great for the world and neither for me, my job wasn't that cool, my car wasn't that modern and my friend was too good for me, so I got stuck in the friend zone, meanwhile, the world was dealing with a bigger problem, a problem wasn't expected and going to change the world and make people lose control, in January,  Coronavirus spread to Wuhan, China, and in march it didn't take long to reach the rest of the globe. A virus that some thought it's a punishment for the Chinese for what they did for Uighurs from mass detention of millions.Violating their rights and humiliating them in public, proving that I'm right again and again that freedom is falsehoods phrase because when it doesn't match with what the upper hand thinks how freedom should be, then free won't mean a thing to a human being, and justice will equal as cruelty if the upper hand said so, but corona didn't only hit china but the world in general, maybe we all deserve this virus to be viral and show us our limits to not passed them,to remind us that there is a God who we only remember when things mess up, only when life come to an end.

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