Chapter 6

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She was biting her lip and staring at the bed when he came out of the bathroom.  “Get in bed Cami, five comes early, and we have a long ride tomorrow.”  He was laying his clothes out for tomorrow, his watch, and wallet were placed on top of the pile of neatly stacked clothes.  He went to her suitcase and did the same with her clothes.  “Since you aren’t in bed, were you going to shower first?”  Her head shook.  “Then get in bed.”  There was that tone that made her muscles clench low in her belly, the tone that made her want to obey, the one that made her want to do all kinds of things to him.  God he was sexy.  Would they have sex?  Would they have sex every night from now on?  Was this going to be her life now?  Not that she was complaining about having sex with Dylan but it just seemed like it was all so sudden.  This mate business, and now that he’d found Junior, all of his concentration would be on her wouldn’t it?  They needed to figure some things out, set some rules and talk.  Cami squealed as he lifted her from the floor and put her on the bed.  He pulled the covers over her and turned her bedside light off. She watched his shadow form walk around the bed in the dark, his eyes flashed and her breath hitched. “I assume all that thinking that you were doing was about what was going to happen next.  I told you that if you didn’t want to have sex, we won’t.  It’s up to you.  If you want to, I’m over here, if not, goodnight Darlin’.”  Cami inhaled sharply.  Darlin’.  Every muscle in her core went hot and wet all at once.  God that was arousing, the way he said that word all low and smooth.  The way that he drew it out and left off the ‘g’, wow!  Dylan chuckled.  Did he know?  How could he?  He must be thinking about something, she decided.  He had her hand now and pressed a warm kiss to the center of her palm and her traitorous muscles clenched again sweetly.  Oh god, she was going to lose control of herself if this kept up.  His teeth pressed into her thumb pad and the pleasure shot straight into her core.  How could those two points be connected, warm lips pressed to her wrist and fire raced through her veins zinging into her core.  Her breath hitched and her heart beat frantically.  “It’s up to you Darlin’.”  Smooth warm caramel oozed over her nerves bringing heat with it.  He knew exactly what he was doing to her and right now, she didn’t care to get angry about it.  She wanted him and there was no sense in denying it or repressing it.  She wanted Dylan and she was going to have him.  Cami threw herself across the small space separating them, and onto him.  He chuckled low in his throat whipping her clothes off of her while she kissed him anywhere she found skin.  Her frantic hands pulled his briefs off of him and she straddled him.  “Easy Darlin’.”  Her wetness rubbed along his hardness coating him in her juices and Cami was no  longer in control of what she was doing.  “Someday soon I’m going to take my time at this and make love to you properly if I can get you to behave.” “Sometimes a girl needs to be in charge.”  Cami shifted and placed his flesh inside of her, she rolled her hips sinking onto him a satisfied moan escaped her lips. You feel so good.”  Dylan grunted when she thrust herself down onto him again.  He moved to roll her onto her back and she stopped him with a word. “No.  Sit up.”  He chuckled but did as she asked.  Since when was he not in charge in bed?  It didn’t matter he decided, there would be plenty of time for that later, as long as it felt like this, he didn’t care who took the lead.  His eager fingers kneaded her haunches helping her keep her rhythm, the rhythm that felt so damned incredible right now.  He was inside of her so deep and he didn’t ever want out.  Cami kissed his chest and neck while her fingernails dug into his shoulders.  He felt her teeth on his skin, her tongue on the pulse point at the base of his throat then teeth again on the claiming muscle that ran from his neck to shoulder.  Oh, that’s interesting, he thought then she bit him, growling, and Dylan came with a roar.  She’d claimed him!  Cami just left her mark on his neck, was still biting him, and licking the wound.  Dylan flipped her onto her belly and mounted her from behind, impaling her viciously.  Cami moaned thrusting back onto him further, opening herself up to him, wanting him to take her, to claim her. His body covered hers, dominated hers, and filled hers.  His canines extended and he growled sinking them into her neck gently.  His objective was not to hurt her but to mark her as his.  She snarled and thrust back onto him again, the orgasm hitting her hard making her body shake and tremble.  She moaned and whimpered sinking into the mattress with Dylan still inside of her.  White lights exploded behind her eyes and her body continued to convulse with it.  Dylan nursed her wound as he rolled her onto her side still buried in her, he held her tightly against him, her back to his front.  His arms wrapped around her trembling body like steel bands possessively.  His lips left warm kisses on the back of her neck and shoulders, soothing her, caring for her.  This must be what heaven feels like, she thought. “Mine.”  He murmured into her neck and they both drifted off to sleep, she was smiling as she went.  Dylan woke to banging on the door.  “Come on Dylan, you said five, it’s nearly six.  Get the hell  up!”  Pete was shouting through the door. “Yeah, yeah.  Give me ten minutes.  Go get us breakfast, coffee for both of us.” “And bacon.”  Cami said sleepily. “Bacon, eggs, you know the drill.”  Dylan was pulling his jeans up while Cami watched.  “Don’t look at me like that, we won’t ever get home.”  She blushed and searched for her clothes.  He tossed her pile of clean ones onto the bed.  Cami shimmied into her jeans and pulled a tee shirt over her head.  When she popped her head through the hole he was there kissing her.  “Good morning beautiful.”  Cami blushed but said good morning.  He bent to kiss his mark and she trembled.  “Go brush your teeth and hopefully Pete will be back with breakfast by then.  There was a knock on the door and Dylan opened it. Mike came in and tossed his and Pete’s duffle bags to the floor then sat on one of the yellow vinyl chairs at the small table by the window. “He’s bringing coffee right?”  Mike’s head was back and his eyes were closed. “Yeah.  Why is he so full of energy this morning anyway?”  Dylan was zipping his duffle.  He found Cami’s pajamas and folded them into the white suitcase. “He’s met his mate.  She’s going back with us.  I guess I need to find a someplace else to live.” You can stay at my apartment over the bar.  I don’t think that I’ll be allowed to use it anymore.” Cami said as Dylan growled.  “See.  So the rent is paid through the end of the month and it’s month to month so just let Frankie know.” “I don’t know that Frankie would be too hip on my staying over his bar.” You can stay in your room at the house, you know that you’re welcome.  Or you can use the cabin, whatever you want to do man.” “Thanks Dyl.”  Dylan nodded and snapped the buckles on Cami’s suitcase.  When the door opened, the she-wolf that Pete danced with last night strode in and held the door for Pete while balancing the tray of coffees. “Here, they’re all the same, bacon, eggs, toast, and grits.”  He set the bag on the table and took the coffee from his mate kissing her cheek.  “Everyone, this is Shari.  Shari, that’s Dylan, you met Mike,   and that’s Cami, she’s Dylan’s mate.  Nice mark there Dylan, looks like she meant it.”  Dylan gave him a sly smile and Cami’s cheeks flushed bright red.” “She didn’t want me to get away, I’m quite the catch.”  Pete nudged his shoulder. “Look at mine.”  He pulled his shirt collar away from the bite on his neck.  “I’m a catch too.”  Dylan shoved him back and took two of the boxes then handed one with plastic utensils to Cami.  He sat beside her on the bed while Shari sat on Pete’s knee in the yellow chair across from Mike.  Mike was watching Shari closely and Dylan got the impression that he didn’t care for her. When breakfast was gone, they carried their bags to the trucks parked downstairs.  “Hey Mike, ride with me and Cami, let Pete have some time with his new mate.”  Mike hurried over and let Cami climb in to sit in between the two big wolves.  “So what’s up?  You don't seem to like Pete’s mate.  What fire am I going to have to put out?” “She’s nice.  Something doesn’t sit right with me though.  I can’t put my finger on it.  She’s already marked but she says her mate was killed.  I don’t get that feeling though, you know what I mean?  The mark is still warning me off.  Pete isn’t getting that though.  I don’t think she’s on the up and up, something is weird with that wolf.  Did you get anything Dyl?” “Yeah.”  Cami waited, but he didn’t elaborate.  Finally, she turned to look at him. “Well what was it?”  She asked exasperated.  He grinned. “All I got was that you didn’t like her and she doesn’t care for you.  Which is why you’re in my truck and not yours.   I didn’t get much more since I was watching Cami eat her breakfast.”  He patted her knee and she hid her face in her hands.  “It’s alright sweetheart, he knows that I want you.” “Everybody within ten miles of you two knows that.”  Mike leaned his head back and pulled his ball cap low over his eyes.  “Wake me if you want me to drive.” “Why are you so tired?”  Dylan asked. “Slept in the truck, didn’t feel like sharing last night.”  Cami cringed. “Eww, you guys do that?  That’s gross.”  Mike and Dylan both chuckled.  You don't expect me to do that do you?”  She looked scared to death and Dylan squeezed her knee.
“Don’t worry about that sweetheart, I won’t share you, you’re all mine and I don’t share what’s all mine.”  She let a breath out.  Good because that would send her running faster than anything else. “Have you ever…?”  Dylan shook his head.  “Oh, so just them then.” “Not just them, but no, I never have.  I don’t need any help satisfying a woman.” “Fucker.”  Mike said from under his hat, both Cami and Dylan laughed.  Cami cuddled closer to Dylan and closed her eyes when he wrapped his arm around her.  There hadn’t been as much sleep last night as she would’ve wanted but that was okay since she’d had amazing sex with Dylan.  Soon when they were home, there would be more.  She snuggled in tight wrapping her arm around his waist and slept.  His truck ate the miles up while he kept an eye on the truck following him.  If Mike suspected something was up with this Shari girl, Dylan would help him figure it out before Pete got hurt.  Pete and Mike were tight and had been since elementary school.  They shared everything including women occasionally.  If Mike didn’t like her, that friendship could end because of her.  Dylan did not want to see that.  If he were to challenge Henry and take the job as Alpha he would need two strong betas to back him up.  She was sitting on her side of the truck talking to Pete who was nodding.  Dylan would love to know what that conversation was about.  If she was so in love with Pete, why was she sitting so far away?  You would think if they met and were instantly driven to mate and mark that she would want to be closer to him.  It had been different with Cami so he had nothing to compare it to but you would think. Mike said that she was already marked and that he felt warned off by the bite.  Dylan pulled out his cell phone and called Junior. “Dylan.”  Junior sounded perturbed. “Do you know a Shari?  She’s coming home with Pete but she’s marked.”  Mike straightened in the seat and adjusted his hat on his head.  Dylan glanced at him giving him a knowing look.  “Really.”  Dylan was listening and Mike was watching but unable to hear what Junior said.  “Huh.”  Dylan shook his head. “Okay, thanks pup.”  He disconnected the call.  “She’s mated, he’s not dead, but he has rejected her. She screws around on him and it’s not okay.  She was getting kicked out of Junior’s pack because of it, kept turning her tail up at anyone interested.” “I knew something was up with that chick.  So, now she’s our problem.”  “Junior says she’s real conniving and manipulative.  He said to keep our eye on her and that he’s glad she’s gone.  His pack was about to start a civil war.  The females are unhappy and the males are warring.”  Mike nodded. “Let’s hope our males are a stronger lot.”  Dylan nodded and hugged Cami’s shoulders. “I better not catch you anywhere near the bitch.”  Cami murmured.  Dylan laughed at Cami’s warning and pulled her tight to him.  She peered up at him through her lashes.  “How much longer until we’re home?”  Her hand traveled slowly across his abs and he sucked in a breath. “Another twenty minutes.”  She nuzzled her head into the hollow of his shoulder and closed her eyes again.  “I’ll hurry.”  His voice was all smooth caramel for her.  “Mike, you’re sleeping in the cabin tonight.” “Yeah, not a problem.”  He pulled his hat low again grinning.

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